3 posts total
The #Berlin #Permacomputing meetup is tonight at 19:00! @mntmn will tell us the story of building up hardware and software stacks from scratch with the goal of making a computer designed for longevity, flexibility and openness. There will be hands-on demonstrations and a super-sweet keyboard. We want to expand our community. Non-nerd-identified, newbies and perma-curious are especially welcome! Come to the second incarnation of the BFNEC #fediverse meetup here at Offline on July 1st! We have three people presenting on fediverse projects they are working on: @raphael will talk about #Fediverser, how it currently integrates with Lemmy & its future plans @by_caballero will give an overview of ways to make ActivityPub easier to hack on and more bridgeable to p2p systems, & talk about their participation with the #W3C. @twilliability created #RSSParrot because he wanted to follow RSS feeds in Mastodon & it was a good excuse to write his own ActivityPub server in Go. He'll talk about the technology, his fears & desires he's encountered in the process. @offline will this be a regular thing? I'm out of town for this instance of the event but would be down for others |
@offline p2p berlin! that's a name i haven't heard in a while!