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I started a few fediverse initiatives over the years that I lost focus on and I'm not going to let that happen again, I promise 😅

2018 - Started writing an ActivityPub guide that inspired garg to write the infamous

2018 - Started planning ActivityPubConf which later became APConf

2019 - Started the socialhub forum

2020 - FediDB


I feel like I should mention that this project is heavily inspired by projects like Mastodon, and uses similar copy and representations in some places.

I hope @Gargron doesn't mind, in the event he does, or other projects do, I will rectify it.

It's important to me that we keep this as unbiased as possible, as much as I'd love to use this to pixelfed's advantage, I also realize that this represents something bigger than pixelfed and me.

Eugen Rochko

@dansup It's not that I mind though I do worry that you might be copying something suboptimal instead of discovering something that works better. I have never been super confident in my choice of taglines.


This new side project feels like it could be bigger than pixelfed, and I love it.

Being able to contribute to the fediverse outside of pixelfed is a good feeling, and I really look forward to stepping back and letting the community run this new project. #fediverse #activitypub

Christoffer Tallerås :noreg:

@dansup I cant believe you are doing so much on your own!


Been crazy busy with #pixelfed development lately, I decided to take a break and work on something else for fun.

Inspired by an expiring domain, I started building my idea of a bespoke guide to the fediverse.

Can't wait to launch this, I think y'all will love it! #fediverse #activitypub

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Jon Leibowitz

@dansup looks rad! thank you for doing what you do to push this ecosystem forward.


@dansup this will be door opener for the fediverse👌🏼🤗


Love Burial's new album.

A stripped back collection of songs that tease the familiar dance, dubstep and grime undertones of his signature sound.

It brought me to tears the first listen, the overwhelming joy and emotions experienced was intense. I don't know why, but I really vibe with his music.

#burial #antidawn


The story behind the new UI (Metro 2.0) is interesting.

I was building a new feature with its own UI last Aug.

I wanted to share screenshots, so I quickly designed a new Metro UI that better integrated with and would showcase this new feature more prominently.

The feature was Groups.

I assumed that I could release groups and then work on the new UI but after seeing how well the groups UI worked, I decided to delay groups to focus on what would become Metro 2.0.

Glad I did. #pixelfed


That being said, I'm debating if I should release Groups as-is or if I should update its UI.

Now the core UI looks better with Metro 2.0, I want to bring that to Groups. Thoughts?

Du Cheng

@dansup Get end-to-end encryption working for private messages, and I'll consider using Pixelfed. I don't like it how no social platforms besides Status have end-to-end encryption.

Ricardo Fabara Camino

@dansup thank you so much for your great effort

U Rocks!!!


Mastodon's trending algo should surface trending hashtags faster than it does IMO #mastodev


I give #DawnFM 8/10, it's pretty good. House of Balloons still on repeat 10 years later though. #theWeeknd



The person reading this.
A member of the fediverse.
Wanting more than the status quo.
The social construct and expectations.
Participate and predicate.
Everything you can.
Build the future.
You are.


smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)



People all together.
We hear you and listen.
We talk and get heard.
Make and create.
For progress.
For people.


Dick Smiths Fair Go Supporters

"Build the future", yes, and don't forget to 'Be The Future'!

Embody the future you want to see.

#buildTheFuture #beTheFuture


For the past few years I would spend the winter holiday working on #pixelfed features that would be released on Christmas day.

I wasn't able to do that this year, and I feel bad about it, but I promise I'll make it up to you!

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@dansup dev is a marathon not a sprint 😁

Kiko León

@dansup ¡Como dicen por aquí, esto es una maratón! ¡Lo importante es que esto no te llegue a agobiar! Habrá tiempo más adelante.


I got spoiled this year! Two of my biggest fans gifted me custom Pixelfed apparel and art.

I know I said before it seems like my family and friends don't support me as much as I'd like, but they really do. ❤️

Filbert Salim

@dansup Don't worry, you also get my mental support to develop Pixelfed 👍


When you view post likes, you'll notice it now shows accounts you follow first. It just makes sense. #pixelfed #metroUI

Christoffer Tallerås :noreg:

@dansup woaw

One design decition better than the previous one. This upcoming update never stops impressing 🤯

And going more away from the instagram stuff was the best decition ever


Good Morning fediverse

Only one more sleep until Christmas eve! 🎄🎅


It's the heavy snowfall warning for me, it does feel a lot like Christmas though 😁


Less than 24 hours after launching we have 33 members who have contributed translations for 16 different languages on #pixelfed!

Thank you everyone! ❤️


When browsing the beta UI timelines, you may notice the new comment section.

Each post will show the first 3 comments by default, and you will be able to sort them by newest and most liked.

In addition you can now upload a photo as a comment/reply, view comment/reply likes and toggle comment settings! #pixelfed #betaUI

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