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9 posts total

Запись Tbilisi Guix Meetup 1 с исправленным звуком:


Кто-то уже запилил прокси:

Но имо эти блокировки уже проще просто не обходить таким образом. В РФ айти не развито совсем, уникальных продуктов, которые использует весь мир невероятно мало, те которые бы для этого ещё российское ООО использовали наверное и вовсе нет. Вклада в "компьютерные науки" тоже примерно ноль. РКН банил сайт гну, списки рассылки, guix прибанен на стороне провайдера. Я когда жил в Москве, то просто не выключал Тор, потому что надоедало каждый раз его переподключать, слишком часто натыкаешь на блокировки. Думаю, что проще себя релоцировать в другую страну, которая лучше интегрирована с внешним миром, чем пытаться в айтишку внутри РФ если честно, ситуация с блокировки внутри страны и извне ненормальная.

Кто-то уже запилил прокси:

Но имо эти блокировки уже проще просто не обходить таким образом. В РФ айти не развито совсем, уникальных продуктов, которые использует весь мир невероятно мало, те которые бы для этого ещё российское ООО использовали наверное и вовсе нет. Вклада в "компьютерные науки" тоже примерно ноль. РКН банил сайт гну, списки рассылки, guix прибанен на стороне провайдера. Я когда жил в Москве, то просто не выключал Тор, потому что...


Several guys were beaten up in Georgia. Sad stuff is going on. One of them was answering unknown number and then aggressors knew his location. So basically this is what government can do, I don't believe that private company can help identifying people by gsm calls on its own. That's why if you are involved into politics do yourself a favor, don't use sim-cards or at least use airplane mode most of the time. They can track you location just by having your working phone.


We need alternative decentralized communication systems, something like mesh-networks. And better weapon laws. And also what I like about anarchism, there is no leader, so basically it is possible to create situations where government will not know who would be beaten up, you beat everyone or noone.

Several guys were beaten up in Georgia. Sad stuff is going on. One of them was answering unknown number and then aggressors knew his location. So basically this is what government can do, I don't believe that private company can help identifying people by gsm calls on its own. That's why if you are involved into politics do yourself a favor, don't use sim-cards or at least use airplane mode most of the time. They can track you location just by having your working phone.



One more guy was beaten while I was texting this...


It’s 2024. The ACM and its friends are still ripping public money, asking authors for $1,000 to make their paper “open access”.

One word: parasites.


@redstarfish @civodul It’s even more disgusting than that because is a restricted access #Cloudflare site. Some people are allowed to reach it and some are not.


Started using more delta chat more with friends. I like how it is ready to work, you just need an email and no configuration required. I remember that even matrix required some work to be done.. at least you need to register somewhere. The only downside is some latency, it is not instant because of using email protocol I guess.


Looks like not only Ludovic Courtes, original developer of GNU Guix, but also Andy Wingo, one of developers of Scheme implementation called "GNU Guile", holds anarchist views:


Made 2nd account for posting stuff on different topics. Current mastodon account I will use for posting mostly Libre software and programming things.

I do this because I have a feeling that my followers might be annoyed by posts in another languages and not-related to IT topics. The instance is called fosstodon, so I guess it is a good idea to post stuff related to FOSS.

I encourage you to follow me here, if you are kinda interested in not only software, but my life:

Andrew Tropin

@w96k Лучше запость так:
чтобы легче было фолловить и ссылка не открывалась в отдельной вкладке.


I was just learning about composing techniques in music trackers, but found this


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