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Ludovic Courtès

It’s 2024. The ACM and its friends are still ripping public money, asking authors for $1,000 to make their paper “open access”.

One word: parasites.


@redstarfish @civodul It’s even more disgusting than that because is a restricted access #Cloudflare site. Some people are allowed to reach it and some are not.


@civodul @redstarfish We need some heroes to pay ACM $1k for “open access” publication, then sue them in small claims to get the $1k back for access not being open.


The whole "science" thing basically sucks. It is unavailable for many. But gladly it is not bad in every aspect, for example I can watch MIT lectures and stuff and find other materials freely. I think the only strategy with ACM would be just ignoring it overall, if the author want to contribute something to humankind he would make it public.

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