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91 posts total
Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:

me trying not to be the reply guy when people post the 70 opinions thread

Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:

okay I enabled native wayland and now it's smooth woo-


@iska Don't know a thing about Brave, but you have to force Firefox to use wayland by setting environment variable. Otherwise it runs in an X11-server over wayland.

Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:

I can't seem to do the whiplaunch aaa
One hard part is that the amount of coyote time, if you whip there momentum is lost.

Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:

I think my pictures are dissapearing, less quotes than I remembered and no 'pol' subfolder... :akko_sad:​

Deborah Pickett (inactive)

@iska Image description: a staff ID card for a hotel staff member at Foss Hotel in Iceland. There is a headshot picture of the staff member (a grey and white tabby cat). The cat’s name is listed as Pál Dánielsdóttir and her role is listed a Mousekeeping.

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Stephen Brooks 🦆

@iska They periodically add new countries and tons of voice acted dialogue but never remove any (that I know of), so I guess the game is going to keep getting bigger.

I'm not too worried as I have 15TB of storage.


@iska пиздец, земля тебе пухом


@iska what
I installed it on like a 40 gb disk once
(the game is absolute SHIT)

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