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7 posts total
Daniel Bohrer

TIL: Longview, WA has a network of bridges for squirrels, which are obviously tagged correctly on #OpenStreetMap

map view of the linked overpass query, showing properties of way 437220503 tagged with bridge = yes, layer = 1, name = Bruce Kamp Memorial Squirrel Bridge, squirrel = yes, tourism = attraction

@daniel_bohrer If you want to make these nifty things easier to find, I like using the man_made=wildlife_crossing tag.

Daniel Bohrer


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Daniel Bohrer

#mosstodon #succulents on a local dry stone wall

(identification welcome, probably some kind of Sedum?)

close-up of a bunch of deep green succulent stems, about 7 cm long, emerging from the gaps between the scraggly rocks. Their leaves form short, round lobes around the stems.
patches of green, short-leaved moss on the top of a craggly limestone rock, with brown fruiting bodies on long stems pointing upwards like awns on barley
small, thick, hairy, green succulent rosettes hiding in the cold gap between two limestone rocks
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Kay Ohtie, Bat-Yote!

@daniel_bohrer oh man, I wish I could remember the name. That first one I have potted -- it seemed to die over winter but came back, first as a small single growth and suddenly much larger! They have gorgeous small flowers that will form and blossom on the tip of each stalk, and the blossom withers afrer a few days. But lovely little colors. Excellent photos. 🧡


@daniel_bohrer the first one is some kind of Sedum.
The third one looks like Sempervivum, I'd say, but I can't specify the exact plant species or varieties.

I have very similar ones standing on my windowsill ;)

Daniel Bohrer

I finally found a good offer for a hand-cranked grinder on the local classifieds. The seller didn't know the model, but the "Ixion" logo was still recognizable to me – an old German make, probably from the 1930s, that usually goes for twice the asking price… 🙂

It only needed a bit of light clean up with soap and a wire brush. The insides were still good as new, but the screw hole holding the hand crank tight needed a small reminder that it once was an M5 thread…
#HandTools #ToolRestoration

The hand-cranked grinding wheel, with light surface rust and flaked off black paint, also the painted-on badge is mostly missing and only it shadow is visible. The machine is fixed to a workbench with a screw so that the hand crank can swing freely outside the edge of the workbench.
Everything disassembled on the workbench, next to screw drivers, wrenches, latex gloves, a bowl of soapy water and a tooth brush.
The cover of the machine case has been opened, and two well-oiled sets of transmission gears can be seen between the hand crank shaft and the grinding wheel shaft.
The machine body is held in a vice, and the screw hole in the crank shaft is being recut with a hand-held thread cutter.
Daniel Bohrer

That's what fascinates me about these old machines: they just work! No motor coils or electronics that can burn out, or refuse to work because the software wasn't updated in time, just three plain gears and a cover to hold the lubricants in. Basic physics that lasts several lifetimes!

Daniel Bohrer

"Mein nächstes Auto wird ein Tesa."
"Du meinst Tesla?"

Schuco Spielzeug-Auto Mercedes-Benz L319 Lieferwagen, Maßstab 1:87, rot mit altmodischem Tesa-Werbe-Aufdruck, in Originalverpackung.

@daniel_bohrer ich würde mir 2 davon holen. eins außhölen und ne neue kappe für oben 3d drucken und dann ne tesa rolle rein machen. damit das tesafilm auto auch tesern kann.

Daniel Bohrer

Awww, ich möchte auch so einen kleinen Wald haben 😍

Tiny Forest: Mit dem Miniwald für mehr Vielfalt · Dlf Nova

Daniel Bohrer

@winniehell wo hast du das denn jetzt wieder ausgegraben :D aber danke dafür *reboost*

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