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55 posts total

What do you have in your first aid kit?

I just realized that the only thing I have at home is a rubik's cube. To do not get bored while dying.

Alexey Skobkin

Немного бинта, пластырей, зеленки, йода, нашатыря.
Ну и там разное рандомное в стиле каких-нибудь регидронов, активированных углей, парацетамола.
В целом это скорее мини-аптечка, чем набор первой помощи потому что там нет многого того, что может быть нужно для неё, но есть то, что полезно при хронических болезнях, ОРВИ или несварениях 🤷


Mastodon have become a platform for whining about Twitter.

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Greenpete (No Flag)

@dump_stack Yes, I am disheartened by this, but it is kind of inevitable I guess.
The fediverse is a VERY different place. It must be like coming from hell into heaven (maybe a little over the top to say that! But you see where I am coming from).
We've known for years about this place, they are coming from a world of facebook, microsoft apple, instagram etc.
The F.O.S.S. world is light years away from where they have come from.
I hope they embrace and enjoy it, and the whining stops before too long.

ratman ($8 blue check mark)

@dump_stack It’s like dating someone who can’t stop talking about their ex. At first it’s nice to know you’re better but eventually you start to think all you are is not the ex.


Achievement unlocked: I got robbed first time in my life.

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@dump_stack I hope you are okay. Make sure and take the time you need -- even if it wasn't physical, there could be some moments of resettling.

Contact your support network and let us know what you need, if anything.

Also, I'm looking for an appropriate Achievement image to attach for humor, but I don't know if you are a gamer. :D

Дед Пропихнутий

@dump_stack what did you get rid off? how was your experience? Were you knocked out and woke up w/out stuff or they brandished a knoif or a gun?


I'm close to consider wodle results as shitposting.


In case someone would like to verify their accounts :blobcatgoogly:


Some things to think about.

We have quite an open registration approval policy at the moment, which is basically "accept everyone who reads the rules of the instance".

3/4 of people don't read them but still push on the button "Accept".


After adding an email about the rejection of accounts (unfortunately, there is no such feature in Mastodon itself) with a clear explanation of why it wasn't approved, it seems that we reach the solution.


By user request I've added another option for donations:

Alexey Skobkin

You should probably pin this post to your profile.


Note to everyone: don't forget to set the language in the post settings. It'll help to use the internal translating feature.

By default, it's set to the locale. You can also change the default value in the settings.


Ищу Go-макак (опыт в вебе приветствуется) на разработку альтернативной реализации ActivityPub для У самого времени не хватает, но на хлеб с маслом и икрой (только не чёрной, слишком дорого и вкус того не оправдывает) не против задонатить.

С моей стороны есть некоторые хотелки и NDA до релиза (под AGPLv3), в остальном свобода самовыражения.

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