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please stop using the “bot” account tag if the account is not automated. you are totally free to identify as a bot, robot, machine, etc.; i’m half a cat, i would know. but the bot tag is not intended for sentient beings (of any kind), it is strictly intended to identify fedi accounts that are run by an automated system (almost always a computer program) instead of a sentient being. it is important for many people to be able to identify automated accounts for various technical and non-technical reasons. you using the bot tag muddies the waters and makes such identification more difficult. many interfaces are starting to use “automated” instead of “bot” since that’s a more accurate term, but many don’t. i’d like if everyone had a bit more awareness of the fact that the former is the more accurate description and purpose of the tag and it should be used as such.

now go and make up your own role badges for sentient robots, that’s rad as fuck and i encourage it :neocat_3c:

please stop using the “bot” account tag if the account is not automated. you are totally free to identify as a bot, robot, machine, etc.; i’m half a cat, i would know. but the bot tag is not intended for sentient beings (of any kind), it is strictly intended to identify fedi accounts that are run by an automated system (almost always a computer program) instead of a sentient being. it is important for many people to be able to identify automated accounts for various technical and non-technical reasons....


но ведь можно...

ксини вини - Telegram
мир если бы куличи можно было печь круглый год



Большая перемена, происшедшая после манифеста, состоит в том, что крестьяне поняли и узнали свои права и крепко на них настаивают (так, например, теперь уже ни один крестьянин не работает более трех дней в неделе); обязанности свои они исполняют с меньшей охотой. Это надо было ожидать – после 200-летнего бесправия.

1861 год, 19 мая
42 года



Ветер шевелит зелень возле кожной клиники, сердце замирает при мысли о реках, мостах, морях. Цыганский стон в душе. Но это пройдет. Все лето, я уж догадываюсь, буду сидеть на Пироговской и писать комедию. Будет жара, стук, пыль, нарзан.

1933 год, 19 мая
42 года



Both AI doomers and AI fanboys/fangirls need to take a chill pill and a fucking expectation management class.

There's a lot to be genuinely upset about in the field of ML/AI/call it what you want. There's also a lot to be excited about.

Things could be a whole lot worse, things could be a whole lot better. In the end, both hype and hysteria will die off, and it will dawn on us that not much has actually changed.


@drq “expectation management class” sounds like a general way to dismiss any possibility of radical change without going into detail. It sounds like, “nothing ever happens in the world, relax”. Like there’s been no Industrial Revolution, no Neolithic Revolution, no emergence of intelligence in humans.

If you allow that some things may in principle happen sometimes, you need to talk specifics.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

AI marketers show you a good picture. What they don't show you is, how hard and long they massaged the learning data and the prompts to get such impressive results. Sometimes they skip that part altogether and just hire a human actor to pretend to be their AI. And when you try to use AI as advertised (expecting that it will just make the thing for you, no labour involved), you hit the wall. Hard.

No matter how clever it is, it's only you who can make your own thing.

Likewise, AI fearmongerers just indiscriminately damn the technology itself (not its application, not any given instance of it), which is the sure-fire way to leave a lot of advantages it can bring on the table (for somebody not so uptight to take over), and we really need any advantage we can get.

Sweeping generalizations are almost never good, and if you ignore new inventions, you *will* be left behind.

Net, all of this is clownery and noise that drowns out actual conversation.

AI marketers show you a good picture. What they don't show you is, how hard and long they massaged the learning data and the prompts to get such impressive results. Sometimes they skip that part altogether and just hire a human actor to pretend to be their AI. And when you try to use AI as advertised (expecting that it will just make the thing for you, no labour involved), you hit the wall. Hard.


Пошли же Вам бог спокойствия мысли - больше этого пожелания я не знаю, чего бы еще можно пожелать человеку в наши дни.

1879 год, 19 мая
57 лет



Forwarded from Раньше всех. Ну почти.

⚡️Вертолет с президентом Ирана Раиси совершил жесткую посадку, команды спасателей пытаются добраться до места происшествия, передает гостелеканал IRIB.



Я бы оставил здесь свою ссылку на донаты, но так как у меня их нет, оставлю вот этих чюваков$/

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@Evv1L did something similar in 2017



This applies to Google as well.

They relentlessly prompt me about logging in at every opportunity. 😐


@wikihow Seriously, just summon some buttons on the router.


Thanks especially to people building software, making art, telling their personal stories, inviting friends or organizations, joining groups, making jokes, thinking hard, making connections, liking, reading, listening, watching, administering, moderating, supporting, sharing, being kind, making friends, answering questions, and otherwise laying down the careful and intricate network of connections between people, software and content that is slowly but surely changing the world.

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François Galea

@BrodieOnLinux as a non-native english speaker I found that one pretty difficult to follow.
also according to Leah's profile,
their pronouns are they/them


@BrodieOnLinux libreboot is still a terrible name for a nonfree software product even if it was near useless before.

Imagine making an animal free burger called vegan burger. then add meat because more people like meat, but still call it vegan burger.


Власти запретили Дмитрию Медведеву публиковать кринж


@neural_meduza в смысле запретили? Я думал это его прямая должностная обязанность

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