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Femme Malheureuse

@morganHazelwood #alttext

Graphic titled, "The Perks of Being a Writer" with black text on white background.

Legend at left depicts three labeled boxes of different colors:
Red = money
Blue = make family proud
Yellow = happiness

Pie chart at right depicts three different portions each roughly one-third size of total pie.

Pie portions are colored Green, Orange, and Pink.

@morganHazelwood #alttext

Graphic titled, "The Perks of Being a Writer" with black text on white background.

Legend at left depicts three labeled boxes of different colors:
Red = money
Blue = make family proud
Yellow = happiness

Pie chart at right depicts three different portions each roughly one-third size of total pie.



I feel this deeply.

And it hurts.


Musta Makkara

Money. At first you think there is some, but upon closer inspection you realise it was an optical illusion.


@mustamakkara @morganHazelwood I write technical books. I'll never get rich, I told MrsD. Then I read a tech book by an author who had sold over 5 million copies of that one book!

Sadly he's an outlier on the normal distribution curve!

I still write tech books because I love it.


@morganHazelwood pic id: A pie chart labeled "the perks of being a writer." The side key shows money, make family proud, and happiness: none of the pieces of the pie are those colors.

Maria Langer | πŸ“ 🎬 βš’οΈπŸ›₯️

@morganHazelwood @User47

There was a time when writers could make good money. Fortunately, I was part of that and invested in my retirement while the good times lasted. I sure with it was still possible.


@morganHazelwood So there *are* benefits, then? Just not those.

Gary Parker

@morganHazelwood had to get someone to explain this as I’m a #colourblind eejit.

Funny, but alt text would have been very helpful πŸ˜‚

C++ Wage Slave

@witewulf @morganHazelwood
You're right. #Alt4You:

Pie chart, entitled "the perks of being a writer". The key is:

Red: money
Blue: make family proud
Yellow: happiness

The three sections of the pie chart are coloured orange, magenta and green.

Steve Williams

@morganHazelwood You missed β€˜completing Alt Text descriptions’ as a perk!πŸ™‚β€β†”οΈ

Chris Johnson

@morganHazelwood Heh. Although I have to admit I like the process of writing so that seems close to β€œhappiness”. πŸ™‚

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