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Dr. Quadragon ❌

AI marketers show you a good picture. What they don't show you is, how hard and long they massaged the learning data and the prompts to get such impressive results. Sometimes they skip that part altogether and just hire a human actor to pretend to be their AI. And when you try to use AI as advertised (expecting that it will just make the thing for you, no labour involved), you hit the wall. Hard.

No matter how clever it is, it's only you who can make your own thing.

Likewise, AI fearmongerers just indiscriminately damn the technology itself (not its application, not any given instance of it), which is the sure-fire way to leave a lot of advantages it can bring on the table (for somebody not so uptight to take over), and we really need any advantage we can get.

Sweeping generalizations are almost never good, and if you ignore new inventions, you *will* be left behind.

Net, all of this is clownery and noise that drowns out actual conversation.

3 comments | Expand all CWs

@drq i do not think any AI really useful when you cannot train model from scratch. All generative models needs veeery much resources to train and you cannot get such amount without being megacorp that scams people with AI shit and selling their private data


@drq So far, there is no subject for discussion. A man and a goat are on the bank of a river, they have a boat that can accommodate two people. What do they need to do to get to the other side of the river? - In the current implementation, the AI is hopelessly flawed, its glitches, which we find amusing, prevent it from being used in situations critical to adequacy.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

So, to summarize:

AI is oversold, and it's in for a hard correction.

It's great at times, it's horrible at times, and from both of those perspectives, it's hopelessly, HOPELESSLY overrated.

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