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28 posts total
π•Ήπ–žπ– 妛彁
"Husky is hitler Tusky" can the radlibs on this decentralized network please go outside
Vriska and the Banshees

@nyx my childhood dog when I kick him out of my house for being a hitler tusky

π•Ήπ–žπ– 妛彁
she was looking kinda dumb with the sharpest tool in her forehead
π•Ήπ–žπ– 妛彁
I still think the best solution to global warming is the idea to just blast more clouds into the sky from the sea -- mainly because I want to live on a planet where it's overcast constantly (best weather, if you disagree you're actually wrong and gay)
Shebang! :blobpeektrans:
@nyx I say we go a step further.

Let's boil away the oceans entirely.

1. That's where monsters live
2. We need the parking space
π•Ήπ–žπ– 妛彁
fish want me. women want me. I am irresistible to all living things and am accosted and harassed every single day. I no longer leave my house.
π•Ήπ–žπ– 妛彁
Jimmy: I got it. Just a little sodium chloride.

Skeet: Actually, dude, it's salt.

Jimmy: I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as salt, is in fact, Sodium/Chloride, or as I've recently taken to calling it, NaCl. Sodium/Chloride is not salt unto itself, but rather another molecular component of a fully functioning table salt system made useful by sodium and chloride molecules as well as other additives such as iodine as defined by the FDA. Many people have on their tables a modified of Sodium/Chloride every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Sodium/Chloride which is widely used today is often called "salt," and many of its users are not aware that it is basically Sodium/Chloride, developed by the ionic bonds between sodium and chloride atoms. There really is a salt, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the molecule they use.
Jimmy: I got it. Just a little sodium chloride.

Skeet: Actually, dude, it's salt.

Jimmy: I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as salt, is in fact, Sodium/Chloride, or as I've recently taken to calling it, NaCl. Sodium/Chloride is not salt unto itself, but rather another...
π•Ήπ–žπ– 妛彁
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