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An important thing to clarify on the newly formed Mastodon 501(c)(3) entity: it's not here to make or influence product decisions. It has no legal ability to enforce any such changes. Primary operations will remain led by the Germany-based Mastodon gGmbH, and this won’t change.

The focus of the U.S entity is to provide another vehicle for donations and other forms of support. The Board has no legal "control" beyond this.


"For years, the antivirus software company harvested information from users’ web browsers without their consent." #infosec #privacy

Its clients have included Home Depot, Google, Microsoft, Pepsi, and McKinsey.

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Andy Polaine

@alshafei these fines need to be orders of magnitude bigger, given revenues. Unless it really risks investors losing their money significantly, they’re just the cost of doing business. Parking tickets for arseholes who can afford to park their Ferrari anywhere they like.

Jeff Dutky

@alshafei they called themselves "avast" they were telegraphing their malicious intent the whole time

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