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"For years, the antivirus software company harvested information from users’ web browsers without their consent." #infosec #privacy

Its clients have included Home Depot, Google, Microsoft, Pepsi, and McKinsey.

Tim @toolbear@ Taylor

In a fairer world that fine would be at least 1 order of magnitude larger. I celebrate this as a victory nonetheless.


@alshafei Avast has always been garbage software. At this point is safer to go without an antivirus than with one.


@alshafei i forget details now but something they did made me realize they were untrustworthy over a decade ago. so my first thought was and is, i bet they’ve done worse than that…


@alshafei Happy that i never fell for their trap. I didn't believed anti virus scam even in my high school days. The way these types of apps work and makes system heavy made me question their legitimacy.

Second questuon, if a company "X" is able to detect viruses, how come companies like Google, FaceBook, Apple, Microsoft and Linux Kernel who have better teams and infrastructure not able to patch them in their systems.

mah:~ $ :nixos:

@alshafei this just brought some great memories to me of using windows 7 lol


@alshafei This is another reason just to use Windows Defender rather than any other antivirus software; When the product is free, you're the product.


worth noting, "gen digital" owns brands like avast, avg, avira, norton, lifelock and some others.


@alshafei Unfortunately the majority of people won't care about this. If people read and were aware of user agreements, they would understand that they should not use most software.👍

Jost :thisisfine: 🔥

@alshafei Another reminder to not use the browser addon „I don’t care about Cookies“ and switch to „I still don’t care about cookies“ instead.

Eric Curtin

@alshafei if you install free proprietary software. It's often a safe bet to assume your data is being sold somehow

Edmundo Ruiz Ghanem

@alshafei yikes, this is what i’ve been recommending my Windows family for years, although I’ve avoided the browser extension. What’s a reliable free alternative?

Jake in the desert

@alshafei ah, Avast. Finally. Garbage of garbage

Andy Polaine

@alshafei these fines need to be orders of magnitude bigger, given revenues. Unless it really risks investors losing their money significantly, they’re just the cost of doing business. Parking tickets for arseholes who can afford to park their Ferrari anywhere they like.

Jeff Dutky

@alshafei they called themselves "avast" they were telegraphing their malicious intent the whole time

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