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2 posts total
Jeremy Keith

Journal: Trust

How to destroy your greatest asset with AI.


Steven Garrity

@adactio Also, generative AI undermines trust not just in your own system/product, but for all systems/products.

I've been reviewing job applications (they're mostly great) - but even knowing that many of the cover letters are or could be generated by LLMs has eroded my trust in *all* submissions as I can't know you used AI tools and who didn't.

The pool has been pee'd in.

Jeremy Keith

When people say “RSS is dead” what they really mean is “we couldn’t figure out a way to monetise RSS.”


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Mark Newton

@adactio @nixCraft They mean, “RSS has been here the whole time but we’ve been too unimaginative to come up with any useful UIs for it in the decade since Google Reader was withdrawn and we’re going to stay angry at that forever in preference to confronting our own inadequacies.”

Stefan Grund :eay:

@adactio @matt I think examples like @gruber's sponsored posts, which I guess are mainly read via RSS, prove the opposite.

Alexis Jhon Gaspar (AGR) 🇺🇦

@adactio please don't give them ideas about monetizing it

Edit: in all seriousness though, if it ain't broke, don't fix it

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