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Jeremy Keith

When people say “RSS is dead” what they really mean is “we couldn’t figure out a way to monetise RSS.”


Chris Taylor

@adactio it's working as (probably) designed, then. Good.


@adactio Depending on what the feed is you could probably insert adverts.

In a similar vein to those "advertorial" news items or the adverts that appear in your inbox on some free webmail providers.

Whether anyone would pay for you to do so though, especially since RSS is dead.😏


@adactio Not as dead as that site - it's serving a cheeky little 503 error 😀


@adactio well, since WordPress has it active by default. I suspect many people don't even know their website supports rss 😅

Alessandro Muraro

@adactio a few days ago I was surprised when I found out all reddits subs have rss, I wonder why it's still in place actually, not that I complain

Petra van Cronenburg

@adactio Deleted my comment because I don't want to be used on websites without being asked.

Henrik Hemrin

@NatureMC @adactio Mmm I use RSS for podcast subscriptions as well as for websites. Such a great internet tool.


@adactio Do those "sponsored articles" count? A bit silly to include them in your RSS feed, but I guess that's so you can't avoid them by never going to the website.

(It seems the link is dead. I'm getting HTTP 504)

Christoph Petrausch

@adactio which is funny because I know some successful podcasts, financing themselves via a "premium subscription". That is basically a password protected RSS feed for premium episodes.


@adactio where i'm from we call that "podcasts"…

Peter Jakobs ⛵

@adactio probably true, but also: the late majority only notices technology that is heavily advertised. For that, it has to be monetized.
I guess that's why we can't have nice things

Óli Gneisti (English)

People also say “RSS is dead” because when properly deployed #RSS becomes invisible (#podcasts).



I'm suffering from a severe RSS feed addiction ... There is always one more to add.



@adactio Which would be a nonsense attitude to take, given how easy it is to monetise.
* Subscriber-only RSS feeds
* Choice between full-text RSS for subscribers and truncated-text for free readers
* Literally all of podcasting

What I think they really mean is "we couldn't figure out how to add data analytics into it" or "We couldn't have absolute total control over who subscribers share private RSS feeds with" - both of which are non-problems.


@LonM exactly what ars technical does for example. Full text rss would enough reason to pay for me.
i wish lwn had rss.

Matt Godden

@adactio Also, a special place in Hell for people who only put the titles of articles in their RSS feed, rather than the article itself.

Alexis Jhon Gaspar (AGR) 🇺🇦

@metaning @adactio some actual news sites (for example GMA Integrated News in my country) does that. Sometimes even worse.

Peter Butler

@adactio For journalists or pretty much anyone who wants to follow many websites closely, RSS is irreplaceable. There’s nothing else close

@infosec_jcp 🆓🐦🐈🃏 done differently


But... That's just not true on this chronological ordered feed Dave W. worked on called RSS 2.0 which is on the #fediverse built in to #mastodon is it?

#ProTip : Just add ".RSS" to this like so: 👈⚠️ #RSS2PointOh

Must be a problem with the #OpenWeb that designed around the whole #ClosedWeb #Meta algorithmic timeline ? Huh. Interesting #F8 talk there at the S.S. #CSAMfinkD in Menlo Park when it #Marktanic's? 🏔️💥🚢 #SoMeta! #fail

David Bradley

@adactio I suspect the people who say that have only just learned about it


@adactio I had a bit of a hard time to start using RSS, but after I have found @feeeed I’m using RSS daily for my news consumption.

William B Peckham

@adactio I use rss daily. It is alive and well, and because no one could figure out how to monetize it, ir is still largely under control of the FOSS community.

gyptazy dead is just what maintstream doesn’t use. We can still see irc, mailboxes, nntp, xmpp, … even many people still use it on a daily base, doesn’t mean it would have a general meaning or importance for the whole user base. Yes, I consume all my news by RSS and out of my nerd bubble, not a single person knows what that is. So yes, it’s dead.


Neither can they crypto-ize it.

RSS is as dead as radio, terrestrial TV, snail mail or cable phones.

Why are some people so eager to pronounce things dead? Wishful thinking?


@adactio which is sad. RSS is fantastic. I'm doing all kinds of pub-sub-ey experiments with it. But no, I don't think you can monetize raw streams of information like that

John Mastodon

@adactio RSS still works like a charm, you get to realize it once you close your Facebook, X, Instagram, and other useless social network accounts. And the fediverse let you feed your posts on RSS, what's not to love about it?

nixCraft 🐧

@adactio Google played a role in it. Then, the majority of RSS is removed by social networks, too. I'm not too fond of it.

Mark Newton

@adactio @nixCraft They mean, “RSS has been here the whole time but we’ve been too unimaginative to come up with any useful UIs for it in the decade since Google Reader was withdrawn and we’re going to stay angry at that forever in preference to confronting our own inadequacies.”

Stefan Grund :eay:

@adactio @matt I think examples like @gruber's sponsored posts, which I guess are mainly read via RSS, prove the opposite.

Alexis Jhon Gaspar (AGR) 🇺🇦

@adactio please don't give them ideas about monetizing it

Edit: in all seriousness though, if it ain't broke, don't fix it

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