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251 posts total
hkc (Carbonated)

wellbeing settings while being on Fedi:
* disable fav notifications
* disable boost notifications
* disable replies in home timeline
* disable boosts in home timeline
* disable followers notifications
* close your client of choice immediately


@hatkidchan just don't go on fedi. problem solved.

Octonine :transhug: :GQKumatora:

@hatkidchan my reactions to this post are literally:

- it's not everyday I get a fav, so no
- even less for boosts
- ok maybe I should do that one
- I like seeing what other people like, and that's how I find people
- already way ahead of you
- didn't understood that one...
- ohhh it was a joke :facepalm: :GalaxyBlobLaugh:

hkc (Carbonated)

"Мысль дня: если бы я разрабатывал универсальный загрузчик операционных систем, который работал бы и в системах UEFI, и с U-Boot, я бы назвал его ueboot. Возможно, такой уже есть."


@hatkidchan я бы даже не отказался от такого названия, надо патент сразу, а то могут использовать и всё 🤭

hkc (Carbonated)

now I have 3 birthdays:
— real
— public static final java.time.LocalDate
— discord birthday.

hkc (Carbonated)

"give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to make youtube poops and you feef heeh for a luul"

hkc (Carbonated)

now I can't accidentally boost a shit cuz it's gonna be immediately crossposted everywhere :blobfoxgooglyholdingitsheadinitshands:

hkc (Carbonated)

So.. I guess crossposter is somewhat working now, and I'm more-or-less happy with the way it turned out. It's far from perfect and I still have to write Discord integration for it, but in case anyone wants to check it out, feel free to do so:

For now I'm using quite hacky way to listen for current-user-only posts, I'll work on that in future. Also I'm planning to add support for threads and filters and whatnot in future

pic: random image to test that it still works lol

So.. I guess crossposter is somewhat working now, and I'm more-or-less happy with the way it turned out. It's far from perfect and I still have to write Discord integration for it, but in case anyone wants to check it out, feel free to do so:

For now I'm using quite hacky way to listen for current-user-only posts, I'll work on that in future. Also I'm planning to add support for threads and filters and whatnot in future

hkc (Carbonated)

ig thanks to @astrr for reminding me that I should work on it (even if you won't use it) and to @lain for being a test playground

hkc (Carbonated)

I wonder if ED25519 is strong enough to be safe from quantum computers

On the other hand I really want to know if it's possible to have a keypair with pubkey=ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

hkc (Carbonated)

Oh wow, so cross-posting works when you add yourself into a list. I sure hope no one else can add anyone into lists :blobfox:

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