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251 posts total
hkc (Carbonated)

Medical checkups are like HTTP 303

On Saturday I just asked for a direction, they told me to come on Monday. Today is Monday, came again, got redirected to another room, they told me to fuck off and after 5 minutes redirected to another one which is EMPTY

hkc (Carbonated)

Wait a second
Does Pleroma REALLY support `/api/v1/streaming`? I'm looking through sources (which I barely can read), and I just don't see `streaming` in the `router.ex`

hkc (Carbonated)

Why WiFi (aka The Superior Wireless Communication Protocol) is so much worse in terms of versatility and availability than Bluetooth?

I can't connect to a hotspot on my phone from a laptop because iwlwifi and some other stuff, while I can share internet connection via Bluetooth while ALSO sharing sound from phone to a laptop! Yes, it is slower and has smaller range, but not like I'm gonna watch 4K videos while being outside, and phone is close to me for the same reason. Also, WiFi is hungry

hkc (Carbonated)

Note to myself: never use a laptop in public places or some random people may ask you random IT-"""related""" questions.

hkc (Carbonated)

Average crossposter experience:
* You post stuff
* Get notified of your own post in Telegram bridge
* Get notified of your own post in Discord bridge
* Get notified of your own post in Telegram bridge, but this time from the phone


hkc (Carbonated)

why everyone stopped morbing? they realized that bing is a horrible search engine and started to lessbing?

hkc (Carbonated)

I had this saved as "hrt.png" before I knew what HRT is.

hkc (Carbonated)

Ладно, это было смешно только первый раз, больше не буду(

hkc (Carbonated)

I think I broke boosts in crossposter smh, loll. I wonder if that's related to "Show boosts" being disabled in home timeline...

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