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251 posts total
hkc (Carbonated)

thinking about moving to EMR soon... was nice to be here

I should probably import following list here, if I could.

thanks @astrr for bringing me to the Fedi, it was a great experience so far

see you on the other side, and say hello to

hkc (Carbonated)

mfw typing `elinks` in firefox search bar

Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

@hatkidchan я туда писала `ssh hetzner` :blobcatgooglytrash:

Интересно, что лучше: купить стадо PC или купить один мощный PC и поставить стадо виртуалок
hkc (Carbonated)

I wonder if @aurel1on_sol has published any packages to AUR....

hkc (Carbonated)

yeah i love gas lighting how'd you know?

hkc (Carbonated)

"Just how much is 16 million? A whole fucking lot."
— igblon

hkc (Carbonated)

According to Fediverse Analytics, only small percentage of people who read my toots are actually subscribed. So if you're enjoying what you see, consider subscribing, it's free, and you can always change your mind later, enjoy the content

hkc (Carbonated)

Is there any good syncing apps for android that work via WebDAV? Not looking for stuff like Syncthing yet, cuz don't wanna bother. I just have WebDAV server running locally that I use for Joplin syncing, and now I want to use it for images. Preferably both Android (5+) and really old iOS (≤9.3)

hkc (Carbonated)

someone should fork conky, add some funky stuff and name it kinky

hkc (Carbonated)

actually, it'd be better to not fork it, but reimplement it for wayland and THEN name it kinky. yeah. that's better

hkc (Carbonated)

not using cf before:
* based
* supporting freedom
* valuing your visitors data

not using cf now:
* eww kiwifarms refugees
* block block block block
* rrrreeeeeeeeeeeee



@hatkidchan "You know maybe relaying all your traffic through an untrusted third-party isn't the best idea." -- Me

hkc (Carbonated)

ln -s

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