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45 posts total
либерахи подделывают повестки чтобы нас всех запугать, снова
Soybaby shitcel sharty Libtards ruined /qa/. I miss in 2018 when me and the frog squad would come to /qa/ to make fun of Weab Mafia pedo cucks after laughing at soybaby libtards, Hiro even had the /r9k/ Pepe spinoff board. But then when falseflag incel Shartycucks raided /lgbt/, they blamed frogbros to the jannies and made Hiro delete /qa/. These immigrant Soybaby shartycels then subverted all of 4chan against frogs and then made it a cringe & bluepilled soycucky weab cattle Demonrat commie glowpot BBC support site. Fuck all soybabies and shartycucks and weabs.
Soybaby shitcel sharty Libtards ruined /qa/. I miss in 2018 when me and the frog squad would come to /qa/ to make fun of Weab Mafia pedo cucks after laughing at soybaby libtards, Hiro even had the /r9k/ Pepe spinoff board. But then when falseflag incel Shartycucks raided /lgbt/, they blamed frogbros to the jannies and made Hiro delete /qa/. These immigrant Soybaby shartycels then subverted all of 4chan against frogs and then made it a cringe & bluepilled soycucky weab cattle Demonrat commie glowpot...
Экзамен по программированию. Препод спрашивает студента: -С чего начинается нумерация массива? -С единицы -Вон, на пересдачу! Заходит другой. -С какой цифры начинается нумерация массива? -Один -2 балла и на пересдачу! "Может во мне дело, учу их как-то не так?"-засомневался препод-"Ладно, пусть ещё один зайдёт и посмотрим". Заходит третий студент. -С какой цифры начинается нумерация массива? -Ноль.. Препод думает: "Слава Богу!Наконец-то!" Студент, продолжая: -..целковый, чекушка, порнушка...
i remember seeing these before, i should buy a bottle when i find it because it's NUTS
и в чем дмитрий юрьевич не прав?
Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:

@lina прочитал 4-е как "мастодонский орден" @cyberspook

@g117ch can't enter raids without a raid group, tried going into blackwing lair
@g117ch doubt there should be two of them, at 80.12, 62.84 in burning steppes
@g117ch you know, i always wondered why nobody ever implements landro longshot, so you can just get all the shit he offers for free since nobody on a private server will ever bother buying trading cards
like if you'd piss on stallman's kike face
@Nirty_Digger wern is coping because he's not the slav master race (with russians as the leaders as they carry the legacy of the byzantine empire and orthodox christianity)
@g117ch is the midsummer festival music supposed to play anywhere i go?
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