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2 posts total
Aleksandr Dinu

> Prime minister Mark Rutte has repeatedly defended the royals’ tax-free status, arguing that “a deal is a deal”.

A deal is a deal, but not for you, my dear 30%-ruling holders. Rutte has incredibly wide ass that is able to sit on two (and sometimes even three) chairs at the same time.

Aleksandr Dinu

I think we're focused on the wrong thing when we look at what tech works for a company like Amazon or Facebook or Netflix.

We should be looking at what tech works when you *don't* have a small army of staff engineers optimizing it. I want to know what I can scale *without* paying someone a half million dollar salary to do it.

There should be more case studies on things that don't have a billion-dollar company propping them up, humming along quietly on a cheap-ass VPS somewhere.

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But who would pay for that case study then?


Daniel Hardy

@collinsworth “100 amazing technologies you can setup in a day and then never worry about again”.

Ivan Sagalaev :flag_wbw:

@collinsworth after hearing this reasonable take being ignored through my entire professional career, I gave up. Excited engineers will always follow "industry leaders" without criticism. Dissent is confused with ignorance.

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