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9 posts total
mos_8502 :verified:

Hot take: open source is good. But open data formats are far more important. Programs can be replaced. Often your data cannot.

mos_8502 :verified:

Everything is true. Jesus walked in Utah. God is an alien astronaut. Buddha attained enlightenment. Thor sends the thunder. The universe is both with and without purpose and meaning at the same time.

Only way to stay sane is to hang the sense of it and believe what makes you happy.


@mos_8502 “The truth is what works for you” (don’t remember the source off the top of my head)

mos_8502 :verified:

No word on that bench supply I offered on. Oh well.

mos_8502 :verified:

Word of advice to newbies: don’t go crazy buying gear, especially new at retail, all at once. Get the minimal tools you need. And when it comes to tools, first buy the cheapest you can find that looks like it’ll do the job. If that breaks, then buy the more expensive one, preferably used - hell, sometimes we old timers give gear away. People give me stuff all the time, and I try to pay it forward.

mos_8502 :verified:

Nobody hates computers as much as someone who loves computers.

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@mos_8502 @marioguzman Nobody hates Mac OS design as much as someone who loves Mac OS design.

Rob Carlson

@mos_8502 If you love your printer, you know nothing about computers. If you hate your printer, you know a little about computers. If you fear your printer, you work in tech.


I'm 25+ years into a very diverse IT career. If there's one thing I've figured out, it's that, like the organizations that use them, all IT technologies are broken in one way or another. It's best to look at computing tech as any other tool you might pull out of a toolbox and try to find the one that works best for your situation: there's no point in computing religion.

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@mos_8502 I think I might knock. With a stick. From around the corner.



Hmmm...if I may suggest, make the camera a Tesla brand and have people also question *which* one will explode! 😉

mos_8502 :verified:

You either die Apple in 2008 or live long enough to become Apple in 2024.


@mos_8502 I hate to like, sound like a broken record, but they desperately need another Jobs-like person to run the show. You can tell the bean counters are running things and it sucks.

mos_8502 :verified:

Apparently Usenet is back, under new management, and actually doing something about the spam problem.

Nice to see.

Usenet, IRC, SMTP, FTP, Gopher -- these are the original protocols of the Internet, before the Web ate the universe. Things were better when they were dominant in their areas. We were outside corporate control, governments could barely be bothered to participate let alone police, we considered these things to be solved problems.

Karl Voit :emacs: :orgmode:

@mos_8502 I very much welcome a revival of the #Usenet!

This is my preferred fall-back, when #reddit, #HN, #Slashdot and others finally aren't useable any more.

Maybe I'll even think of switching my decade-old (but very fine) #slrn setup to Gnus or another #Emacs-based workflow if I can find out how to sync my state across multiple machines... 🤔



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