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Marco Rogers

Somehow found myself arguing with someone who talks about "the fediverse" like it is a) a singular thing and b) a separate thing from bluesky. It helped remind me of a fundamental truth about talking to people who are mad on the internet. What they're mad about is entirely uncorrelated with how well they understand the issues. Anger is an *emotion*. So is fear.

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@polotek the Fediverse is different from Bluesky. Bluesky is talking about (but hasn't implemented) creating a competitor to the Fediverse.
It's like the Internet. That is actually a thing. There have been competitors to the Internet, and there are technically (although almost no one uses them) still implementations of those competitors still in use.

Michael / Chgowiz 🎲🎲

@polotek Sometimes I wonder if the anger is correlated with the emotions that result from ignorance and *knowing* one isn't up to speed on the thing. It's frustrating and scary to feel out of control or not understand something... and anger is an easy step from that frustration. Just a thought...?

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