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18 posts total
Dan McCullough

If you ever see Pippin sprawled out on the hardwood floor you know it’s a heatwave. Or as we like to call it -

Cat on a hot tin floof.

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon

Dan McCullough

But… that’s my hat! The one I wear in my profile picture… how can it even be that comfortable?! You’re not listening to me are you?

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon

Dan McCullough

“There’s obviously zero chicken chunks and less than zero kibble left. What is this, a Dickens novel?!”

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon

Dan McCullough

Pippin found a loophole in the No jumping up on “counters” rule.

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #Cats

Dan McCullough

Caught this Barred Owl watching me make my morning tea.

“Who brews for you? Who brews for you?”

#nature #wildlife #owls #birding #birds

I Care About The World

@danmccullough I have heard them but have never had the good fortune of seeing them. Such good camouflaging on their part or poor eyesight on my part - not sure which. 😁

Dan McCullough

As she gets older, Pippin’s taste in boxes get more… expensive. Not sure what I’ll have to get her next.

#Caturday #Cats #SiberianForestCat #CatsofMastodon

Dan McCullough

One of Pippin’s best skills (which she’s been honing for over 16 years) is her uncanny ability to block me from entering a room… while never looking me in the eye.

#Caturday #CatsofMastodon #cats #SiberianForestCat

Dan McCullough

A year ago today, our little floof of chaos suddenly passed away of cancer at age 10. Moonshine was a perfect name as she was a beam of light but also had a kick. She only weighed 9 pounds but carried herself like a Tonka truck. She’d jump off the upstairs bed and we’d hear her all over the house. Silence wasn’t safe with her around. This past year has been far too quiet. We miss her.
#CatsOfMastodon #Cats #RainbowBridge

Dan McCullough

There’s “side-eye,” and then there’s whatever THIS look is.

She’s not budging to let me upstairs. Not when there’s sun to be in.

#Caturday #Cats #SiberianForestCat #CatsofMastodon

Dan McCullough

When Pippin was a kitten we played the Whack-A-Mole game where she would attack our feet under the blankets. She eventually grew out of it.

Fast forward 16 years and I swear she still gets that look in her eye when we’re in bed and make the slightest movement. #CatsofMastodon #Caturday #SiberianForestCat

Dan McCullough

As she’s gotten older, Pippin loves having her face squished. And I mean all out, grab the face, twist, scrunch, squished. And she puts her paw on me assuring I won’t stop. #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday #SiberianForestCat

TrickTim(e of year)

As we take in the beauty of light and water in this forest stream, a lone tree flips us the bird in silhouette.

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