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Human Development Index of Europe 2024

Highest: Switzerland
Lowest: Ukraine
Lowest on Map: Syria
Highest in Eastern Europe: Slovenia
Lowest in Western Europe: Portugal

(by Ill_Information75/reddit)


European countries with at least one NBA player champion


Mafia index in Italy

(via andromeda324/reddit)


So Germany has schhols working slighty better then in Kasachstan or Albania πŸ™

Atleast France and Italy is another bit worse πŸ™„



True Size of Africa

(map by Statista)

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@onlmaps It's the reason we still use the Mercator projection today: it expands what lies above and below the tropics

Because some people have a complex about the size of their land

butterflyoffire βšκƒβŒβ‚

@onlmaps Hi, everytime I see this kind of maps, I ask myself why Africa is in the background where other countries such America or the US are on the first layer ?

This is why I like to put Algeria as the first layer on the map of the United Stated of America to see how big is the US.

Try it πŸ‘

How big is USA compared to Algeria.
Sam Candy (in english)

"Europe (excluding Russia)"
Well, no need to write this because Russia is not in Europe


Largest music festivals around the globe, 2019.

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