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True Size of Africa

(map by Statista)


@onlmaps Why comparing country vs a continent... to be fair we should do same continent vs continent no ?

In that case this is a biased research and maybe not neutral...


@onlmaps It's the reason we still use the Mercator projection today: it expands what lies above and below the tropics

Because some people have a complex about the size of their land

butterflyoffire ⏚ꝃ⌁⁂

@onlmaps Hi, everytime I see this kind of maps, I ask myself why Africa is in the background where other countries such America or the US are on the first layer ?

This is why I like to put Algeria as the first layer on the map of the United Stated of America to see how big is the US.

Try it 👍

How big is USA compared to Algeria.
Sam Candy (in english)

"Europe (excluding Russia)"
Well, no need to write this because Russia is not in Europe

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