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7 posts total
Lea Verou

So it turns out you can use writing-mode in Chrome & Firefox to lay out a <select> horizontally 🙃

You can even apply field-sizing: content; to get rid of the empty space!

preview of codepen
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Marius Gundersen

@leaverou If only styling the select was easier this could be useful, för example for making a toggle switch or a pure css tab-bar

Lea Verou

Folks… I have some *exciting* news to share. 🚀

Today I’m starting a new position as Product Lead at @font.awesome!

I wrote a bit more on my blog here:

Font Awesome + Lea
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@leaverou @font.awesome comgrats Lea, great news! looking forward to read more about the journey


@leaverou Congratulations on your PhD and the position!🥳 Excited to see what comes out of the amazing team at @font.awesome 🤩

BTW I guessed correctly 😅

Lea Verou

Whoa GitHub Copilot, that got dark fast 😅

A slide in HTML with the heading "Dogfood, dogfood, dogfood" and notes auto-filled by GitHub Copilot: 

- You need to use your own APIs. 
- You need to watch others use your APIs.
 - You need to talk to others about your APIs. 
- You need to watch others talk about your APIs. 
- You need to watch others talk about your APIs _without you being there_. 
- You need to watch others talk about your APIs _without them knowing you’re there_. 
- You need to watch others talk about your APIs _without them knowing you’re there_ _and you’re not there either_. 
- You need to watch others talk about your APIs _without them knowing you’re there_ _and you’re not there either_ _and you’re not even alive_. -
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Idan Gazit

@leaverou Yeah but is it, uh, wrong? 😂

I find there is an odd wisdom to it: Make things that survive your absence.

Not Jasmine

@leaverou theres too much going on with the ai assistants. They need help

Lea Verou

🔥 New blog post!

I recently posted about driving the CSS WG resolution to add if() to CSS last week.
But this is still a long way away. What can we do meanwhile?

In this mammoth article, I rounded up the state of the art right now wrt inline conditionals.

One thing is for sure: after 4000 words of this, no-one could remain unconvinced that we *desperately* need that if()!

Lea Verou

Huge thanks to @kizu for his help with unearthing some of these and reviewing a series of drafts!

Lea Verou

This is the single best article on color spaces I have seen around. Well written, well informed and illustrated with interactive visualizations.
If you only read one, this should be it. Truly brilliant work @eeeps!

Lea Verou

PSA: The CSS WG just resolved to officially pursue work on native custom functions and mixins 🎉

Lea Verou

I hate to say “I told you so”, but @svgeesus and I did warn browser vendors that shipping wide gamut support without gamut mapping would render these color spaces almost unusable.

They thought we were exaggerating.
They thought getting out of gamut is an edge case.
They thought clipping was “good enough”.

Well… this is one of these times that I’m really not happy to have been right. 😕

Worse yet, the CSS impls are many folks’ first contact with these color models 😞

I hate to say “I told you so”, but @svgeesus and I did warn browser vendors that shipping wide gamut support without gamut mapping would render these color spaces almost unusable.

They thought we were exaggerating.
They thought getting out of gamut is an edge case.
They thought clipping was “good enough”.

Manuel Matuzović

@leaverou WTF? I thought the whole reason for oklch/oklab, besides access to a wider gamut, was perceptual uniformity? Just yesterday a told a group of 40 people in a workshop about how great that is compared to HSL and not this?

Henri Sivonen

@leaverou Question as a user: I have Lightroom Classic set to export as Display P3 on the (untested!) assumption that raw could exceed sRGB. Most content in my photos is within the sRGB gamut. With clipping, it seems to me that viewing my photos on an sRGB display is almost always fine (except some 8-bits per channel precision is wasted).

With gamut mapping, wouldn’t all my photos get their gamut squished on an sRGB display just because they declare Display P3 (without fully using it)?

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