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Manuel Matuzović

@leaverou WTF? I thought the whole reason for oklch/oklab, besides access to a wider gamut, was perceptual uniformity? Just yesterday a told a group of 40 people in a workshop about how great that is compared to HSL and not this?

Lea Verou

@matuzo Yes, if you’re in gamut of the output device. But you lose some perceptual uniformity when out of gamut. Still better than HSL but less so in that case (especially when there’s no gamut mapping).

Manuel Matuzović

@leaverou That's bad news. :( Do you know where I can learn what "clipping" means in that case?

Lea Verou

@matuzo Clipping means instead of doing something more sophisticated to bring the color within screen gamut you just convert it to RGB and clip r, g, b to (0%, 100%). This tends to produce good results when slightly OOG but pretty bad results the farthest out of gamut you go.

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