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3 posts total
Francisco Tolmasky

The number one thing they could add to AirPods is putting a LATCH ON THE CASE. Do a study of people dropping the fucking AirPods and having them pop out like popcorn. I don't want a smaller case, different shape case, I want a case that STAYS CLOSED. #AppleEvent

Francisco Tolmasky

I really hate the term “side-loading.” We shouldn’t need a word for the normal way we’ve been installing apps for the past 40 years. If tomorrow Apple decided they were going to start only letting you visit web pages they approved of, we wouldn’t call some sort of alternating system that let you see *the rest of the fucking internet* “side-paging”. We’d instead call the whole thing bullshit.

Adam Bell :catPOWER:

@tolmasky huge +1 lol, especially since this term came from android command line dev tools

Francisco Tolmasky

8GB is 16GB. Safari is three browsers. War is Peace. We’ve Always Been at War with Eurasia. Just buy it and shut up.

Riccardo Mori

@tolmasky I don’t know why they kept boasting the 128GB of maximum RAM during the event, then. 64GB should be enough, no? Wink wink, nudge nudge.

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