Almost all blogs put “next page” URLs at /2, /3, … /n. These are *bad URLs*, since they’re constantly changing. Instead, do the following: choose how many posts you want per page (p), as usual. But make an exception for the main page, which waits to hit 2*p posts before dumping p posts to the next page all at once. Now your “next pages” won’t change, so they can have persistent URLs! So, number your URLs in *decreasing* order: /n, /n-1, … /1. As a bonus, “/1” conveniently has your first posts!
@tolmasky it's a classic. the “next link” should always be a hash of the next posts, and unpredictable. also, some dumbass always says "this is complicated, can't we just use numbers” There’s always someone with a PHP script that can increment an integer!
@tolmasky this is an brilliant insight I could have used 24 years ago.