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FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

Some random really nice Fediverse things to look forward to later in 2024 🤞

- @dansup's Pixelfed apps finally getting into mainstream app stores, could greatly widen Pixelfed's audience

- @gotosocial leaving alpha testing. It's a lightweight safety-conscious microblogging platform, could be a good alternative to Mastodon.

- @Feditext being released, Metatext had a lot of fans even after development stopped and will be great to see a direct successor app


FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

Just updated the GrowYourOwn.Services website, any feedback welcome. It's got a totally new theme, would like to know if it is causing anyone any problems accessing it:

(The aim of the site is to help non-technical people & orgs start their own social networks, personal clouds, websites etc)

Toran Shaw

@FediThing well I'm already starting the process of that by using @writefreely for my personal site. 🙂


@FediThing It works and I can read it. (I think my usual feeling of "this is a new site, it surely has some useful things hidden due to my browser configuration" is wrong here.)

I'm surprised by "Grow your own online cloud" not being just Nextcloud, but also blogging and forum software that I haven't ever considered to be an "online cloud" thing.

FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

Elderly relative unable to use a mobile phone ("What button do I press?"), we managed to get them an old-style dial telephone which works from a SIM card.

Even though it's internally a mobile phone, externally it works exactly like an old dial phone, so the relative's muscle memory lets them instinctively know how to use it 🤩

To receive calls you just lift the receiver, then put it down when you've finished. To make calls, you lift receiver and dial. It even has an artificial dialtone added in when you lift to make a call.

The model we bought is the "Opis 60s Mobile", couldn't find anyone else making this though.


Elderly relative unable to use a mobile phone ("What button do I press?"), we managed to get them an old-style dial telephone which works from a SIM card.

Even though it's internally a mobile phone, externally it works exactly like an old dial phone, so the relative's muscle memory lets them instinctively know how to use it 🤩

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colorblind cowboy 😷✊🏻

@FediThing Very cool. I want to carry one around in a backpack as my primary phone.


@FediThing we have a Doro phone for my dad. Its a mobile but not Smart (no internet) and nice big buttons

Chris Were 🐧📰🌱☕

@FediThing That's just amazing, I love it. Really tempted to get one, but it would be a frivolous expense for myself.

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