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1 post total

Hi! My name is waffle and I was told that I should do an #introduction, so-

I would like to start with “I am ...”, but I do not know who or what I am. I'm nothing at all and I'm everything at once.

I like crying and rainy days, I'm non-binary (it/its) and omnisexual, I hate myself and the whole reality, I love my friends to death, I strive to outshine the stars one day, if only for a split moment, my head is so full of thoughts that it appears empty, I love compilers, strawberries, and exclamation marks, I'm both a cat person and a catperson, I write blog posts sometimes, I like ergonomic keyboards and use trackballs, I'm a perfectionist and a certified opinion haver™, I'm a member of rust-lang/T-compiler-contributors — I write code, I review PRs and do a lot of other rust-lang work, my favorite quote is “just know that if you hide, it doesn't go away”, I was writing this silly toot for multiple hours. I'm me, whatever that may mean.....

k, bye~ 🌸

Hi! My name is waffle and I was told that I should do an #introduction, so-

I would like to start with “I am ...”, but I do not know who or what I am. I'm nothing at all and I'm everything at once.

I like crying and rainy days, I'm non-binary (it/its) and omnisexual, I hate myself and the whole reality, I love my friends to death, I strive to outshine the stars one day, if only for a split moment, my head is so full of thoughts that it appears empty, I love compilers, strawberries, and exclamation...

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