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Hi! My name is waffle and I was told that I should do an #introduction, so-

I would like to start with “I am ...”, but I do not know who or what I am. I'm nothing at all and I'm everything at once.

I like crying and rainy days, I'm non-binary (it/its) and omnisexual, I hate myself and the whole reality, I love my friends to death, I strive to outshine the stars one day, if only for a split moment, my head is so full of thoughts that it appears empty, I love compilers, strawberries, and exclamation marks, I'm both a cat person and a catperson, I write blog posts sometimes, I like ergonomic keyboards and use trackballs, I'm a perfectionist and a certified opinion haver™, I'm a member of rust-lang/T-compiler-contributors — I write code, I review PRs and do a lot of other rust-lang work, my favorite quote is “just know that if you hide, it doesn't go away”, I was writing this silly toot for multiple hours. I'm me, whatever that may mean.....

k, bye~ 🌸


was that helpful? probably not, but things don't have to be useful


In case you want to support my silliness and help me become more independent, you can throw money at your screen via github sponsors: ✨​

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