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4 posts total

I did not expect Gaffer to be chill enough to cuddle with the pupper right there this quickly, but it's not actually surprising, because just now #GodfreyTheGolden looks quite a lot like our departed Chi, Rumsy, who was his sister for years. He's really gonna wonder wtf

Edit: Chihuahuas

#DogsOfMastodon #CatsOfMastodon


Waitin' for people to stop being excited about paying what used to get you a house for an electric car, and start being excited about paying an extra hundred bucks a year in taxes for an amazing transit system.

Electric cars are not going to make it okay to keep living like we do. It was never okay.

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@jpaskaruk @nathaliaassaad Seems to me that this discussion could benefit significantly from switching the focus from what *other people* should do to what we individually have done and will do.

From my perspective, I don’t need to read any more hot takes about idealized solutions. I want to see more about successful concrete steps people have taken to actually reduce their own and their communities’ carbon footprint


@jpaskaruk I think the problem I’m running into now with mass transit is the part that makes it effective, namely the “mass” part. The more people who get shoved onto buses and trains, the more cost effective it is, but at the same time, the less safe it is from a COVID perspective. The crowding was always the one thing I didn’t like about transit pre-pandemic (even as I relied on it), but now it’s shifted from uncomfortable to unsafe, and I don’t know how that can be addressed.

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