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I can't seem to click through and view that from my server - possible some sort of defed problem?

I'm also not advocating we all smash our cars just yet, and the fact of the matter is that however it ends up propelled, there will be car-size vehicles carrying car-size loads in some cases. They just might be pulled by livestock, or pedalled, or who knows.

Nonya Bidniss

@jpaskaruk Hmmm. It was a response from me to Charles Stross saying: "I often think the future of personal transport is cars as a service. Not to be confused with Uber et al., not like that. Shared fleets, a car arrives for you when you need it, goes away when you're finished. Costwise, perhaps this also leaves the poor on the curb...or, perhaps communities could provide them as part of the overall public transport system. Maybe the cars get you to the train/bus hub."



I generally agree. I mentioned the old trains that came up where I live in the old days elsewhere in the thread - even if they came back, rapid, I'm at least half a km from the old tracks, and that would suck to walk every day, especially dead of winter. Brr.

But, the omnibus that could carry me to the tracks, it could be anything, including horse-drawn.

Combine with WFH being adopted where possible, we don't need the cars we think we need, we need imagination.

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