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9 posts total
Alex :yikes:

This is a good a time as any to contemplate my life


Alex :yikes:

Finally my beanie babies are given value as a kicktoy


Alex :yikes:

I think I've mostly settled on naming my kitty Dorje 💎⚡ she responds to it the most out of the names I've tried. supposedly cats pick up on sharp consonants better


Alex :yikes:



(not caturday yet but I'm posting anyway)

Alex :yikes:

There is a wrestler, Khelif, who transphobes are getting angry at, for having elevated testosterone (even though she was on meds that lower T), and claiming she's XY. I don't know if the XY thing is true, but even if it were, it would be an inactive Y since she was born with a uterus and stuff.

But it reminds me of something interesting one of my professors mentioned years ago in college,

#trans #biology

Alex :yikes:

which is that it's likely LOTS of people have sex chromosome abnormalities and we just don't know it, because not everyone gets their chromosomes looked at. And a lot of early assumptions about sex chromosomes--like that it automatically leads to infertility or mental slowness and stuff--is likely biased because the only people getting tested were people who had some kind of health issue prompting the test.

Alex :yikes:

to a mermaid, maybe humans look like freakish four-armed people

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