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@Minetest Nice stand! Right by a window, that’s cool! The banner is great! Also: Minetest on a #Steamdeck!

Thomas Maaß

@Minetest Ist jemand dort, den ich kenne, der mir ein paar von den Stickern mitbringen kann?


@Minetest Nice one! I hope all the participants have/had fun.


#Minetest has entered feature freeze for 5.7.0! This is a period of time before a release where we don't add any more features, but instead fix bugs and get ready for release. It'll last at least 1 week

Help us find bugs by trying it out before release:


- Post-processing, bloom, and dynamic exposure
- Lots of performance improvements
- Rotating entity selection boxes
- Android: support for using a fixed crosshair, like on desktop
- ...more in post

#Minetest has entered feature freeze for 5.7.0! This is a period of time before a release where we don't add any more features, but instead fix bugs and get ready for release. It'll last at least 1 week

Help us find bugs by trying it out before release:


January - Last Month in #Minetest: In this update, we cover several engine improvements from the last two months, Backrooms Test’s first release, and more.


AntVenom, a #Minecraft YouTuber with over 3 million subs, has made a video about #Minetest. It's really well researched, and captures our spirit well



I've been recommended Minetest for it's scriptability. This video could not have come at a more perfect time.

Classic James P.

@Minetest will one day take over Minecraft. People are going to want to get away from that game.


Another plane has rolled onto the tarmac from Apercy’s hanger. The PA28 is a small passenger plane that can fit up to 4 passengers. Like all the other planes, it is paintable too!


Read more #Minetest updates at


I thought that said 'printable' for a second. Which would actually be a cool idea. 3D-printed Minetest builds anyone?

Miguel Guhlin πŸ¦‰ πŸ‡΅πŸ‡¦ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

@Minetest are there world seeds? Is there a conversion process for minecraft world seeds?


The results for the 2021 #Minetest game jam are in:

In third place, it's Little Lady! You are a young ladybug, learning your way in the world

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