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56 posts total

"US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) had yet to decide whether the two Russians would be allowed to stay in the US"

You gotta be shitting me! After the bullshit that's happening at the southern border?

These two men are
#Defectors! Russia is still the #Soviet state without the "union". They will be heinously slaughtered if deported.

#tallship #bolsheviks #USSR




And the Lord sayeth, ask and ye shall receive...

Or was it, "Reap what you sow"?

The short term solution is easy. Fly them to other
#sanctuary communities like Martha's Vineyard and Arcata, California.


#Deport all illegal alien insurgents.

2.) Make it a
#felony to hire any illegal alien, punishable by a mandatory six months imprisonment for a first offense.

#Easy_Peasy. #Problem_solved πŸ€˜πŸ’€πŸ€˜


What will that #bolshevik Newsom think of next?

Human Remains Red Wine?
Decomposition Daiquiris?

Okay the bonehead governor just signed into law the
#composting of human remains as part of his campaign to reverse climate change, lolz.

We already have chemical
#cremation, where they stuff your carcass into a giant test tube resembling an iron lung for a few hours and then pour you through a strainer.

Look, carry my
#cadaver up the mountain, roll me into a ditch. Let the turkey #vultures, #coyotes, #beetles, and #maggots do the rest.


Easy Peasy, and environmentally sustainable...

And it's fucking free.

Best of all, no bon fires in
#Joshua_Tree like that botched funeral pyre when they stole #Gram_Parson's body from LAX.

That's just fricken'
#goulish - composting... Let's make mud pies out of #dead_people!

Or, hey! Let's make
#Soylent_Green and sell it at the grocery stores and #Burger_King as the real "Impossible Burgers"



What will that #bolshevik Newsom think of next?

Human Remains Red Wine?
Decomposition Daiquiris?

Okay the bonehead governor just signed into law the
#composting of human remains as part of his campaign to reverse climate change, lolz.

We already have chemical
#cremation, where they stuff your carcass into a giant test tube resembling an iron lung for a few hours and then pour you through a strainer.

Look, carry my
#cadaver up the mountain, roll me into a ditch. Let the turkey #vultures, #coyotes, #beetles


Australian rabbits - increases the much needed biodiversity we need...

Ummm... Really? Biodiversity DOES NOT necessarily translate into a good thing!

i.e., Will the Wooly Mammoth prove to be yet another destructive WEED SPECIES?

When I was a kid I used to think, "How kewl would it be to refoliate the Earth with Wooly Mammoths?"

During my studies in 'Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution' at UCSD I realized that we have good reasons to be skeptical of such efforts.

What are your thoughts?



Australian rabbits - increases the much needed biodiversity we need...

Ummm... Really? Biodiversity DOES NOT necessarily translate into a good thing!

i.e., Will the Wooly Mammoth prove to be yet another destructive WEED SPECIES?

When I was a kid I used to think, "How kewl would it be to refoliate the Earth with Wooly Mammoths?"

During my studies in 'Ecology, Behavior, and...


"Ask Bill [Gates] why the string in [MS-DOS] function 9 is terminated by a dollar sign. Ask him, because he can't answer. Only I know that.β€œ β€” Gary Kildall

#tallship #DOS #IBM #retro



Here's something to ponder...

I understand why the Soviet Union, France, United Kingdom, the United States, and China have a permanent seat on the UNSC (United Nations Security Council), but the USSR no longer exists...

So why does Russia enjoy permanent member status?

With that thinking, why doesn't Georgia, Belarus, Ukraine, etc., enjoy permanent status as well?

Russia was just one member of the union that ceased to exist on Christmas Day 1991.

An interesting thing to consider, perhaps?

What are your thoughts?

@tallship Well...

In a letter to the UN Secretary-General from Boris Yeltsin, on Christmas Eve, 1991, he asked that Russia take the place of the Soviet Union in the UN, including the USSR's permanent seat on the UNSC.

This was not without objection by legal scholars, however, it's met with no objections from other members of the Security Council.

The tragedy, in my mind, is in knowing that the masses of people worldwide had the foresight that this acceptance by the UN would result in the continued hamstringing and disruption of the UN in passing resolutions; as Russia now would wield the same veto power that the USSR previously enjoyed.…

#tallship #UN #Russia #USSR #UNSC
@tallship Well...

In a letter to the UN Secretary-General from Boris Yeltsin, on Christmas Eve, 1991, he asked that Russia take the place of the Soviet Union in the UN, including the USSR's permanent seat on the UNSC.

New Peergos just released.... Kewl new features, icluding highly secure external apps that generate their own VirtualHosts upon deployment:
#Peergos #IPFS #VirtualHosts #P2P #Fediverse #privacy #FOSS




Just taking a minute to put in a plug for a free community service that I've had the good fortune of being able to depend upon for over twenty years now...

#tallship #Vger #FOSS #FreeBSD #DNS


Replied from smithereen with a photo, aver this is a quote post (quoted renote)



I'm not only of the mind that they don't need to change, but also, that they shouldn't - we should, as FOSS and Privacy Advocates, do all that we can to see that they wither and die on the vine... Just like Myspace did.

I use Myspace as an example because it is classic. It is litterally still extant, in an almost completely unusable state, and that is laughable. I also point to Myspace because its demise began when they originally broke the capability of users to "Pimp my Myspace". This was a really big deal with a userbase that could have ownership over the look and feel of their accounts with aliased handles instead of "real names", like Faceplant enforced.

It also stands as an example of just how quickly a house of cards can fall when the public vote with their feet. The Fediverse at this time is merely a confederation of federating platforms, mostly based on ActivityPub, not really truly decentralized in the sense that full decentralization means that identity is fully portable, but that is coming, and so is the fall of Twatter, Faceplant, Robbit, InstaSPAM, and EweTube.

Sure, as those building crumble, those so-called "big tech" juggernauts will scramble to establish new vehicles from which they can violate people who participate as part of their respective user bases - but they will be directly competing against FOSS based, privacy respecting, horizontally scaling and self-hosted solutions where identity is fully nomadic, and cares not whether you think you ( the proverbial big tech you) are competing with it.

FOSS doesn't care. it has nothing to lose, and people use it or they don't, but in our emerging techo-socio-political Internetworking culuture, there will be an increasingly diminishing inventory of people to subjugate, package, inventory, and place on the shelf.


I'm not only of the mind that they don't need to change, but also, that they shouldn't - we should, as FOSS and Privacy Advocates, do all that we can to see that they wither and die on the vine... Just like Myspace did.

I use Myspace as an example because it is classic. It is litterally still extant, in an almost completely unusable state, and that is laughable. I also point to Myspace because its demise began when they originally broke the capability of users to "Pimp my Myspace". This was a really...


Ungovernable - yes.

Not combative, not destructive, and not in direct opposition to your self-proclaimed authorrity - I just simply reject your ass.

Now go pound sand. I'm ungovernable ;)


Ladies and Gentlemen, Won't you please give a big round of applause for... Brundlefly!




Total cringe. This was actually just as scary as the original, and probably more so.

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