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I'm not only of the mind that they don't need to change, but also, that they shouldn't - we should, as FOSS and Privacy Advocates, do all that we can to see that they wither and die on the vine... Just like Myspace did.

I use Myspace as an example because it is classic. It is litterally still extant, in an almost completely unusable state, and that is laughable. I also point to Myspace because its demise began when they originally broke the capability of users to "Pimp my Myspace". This was a really big deal with a userbase that could have ownership over the look and feel of their accounts with aliased handles instead of "real names", like Faceplant enforced.

It also stands as an example of just how quickly a house of cards can fall when the public vote with their feet. The Fediverse at this time is merely a confederation of federating platforms, mostly based on ActivityPub, not really truly decentralized in the sense that full decentralization means that identity is fully portable, but that is coming, and so is the fall of Twatter, Faceplant, Robbit, InstaSPAM, and EweTube.

Sure, as those building crumble, those so-called "big tech" juggernauts will scramble to establish new vehicles from which they can violate people who participate as part of their respective user bases - but they will be directly competing against FOSS based, privacy respecting, horizontally scaling and self-hosted solutions where identity is fully nomadic, and cares not whether you think you ( the proverbial big tech you) are competing with it.

FOSS doesn't care. it has nothing to lose, and people use it or they don't, but in our emerging techo-socio-political Internetworking culuture, there will be an increasingly diminishing inventory of people to subjugate, package, inventory, and place on the shelf.


1 comment

Ungovernable - yes.

Not combative, not destructive, and not in direct opposition to your self-proclaimed authorrity - I just simply reject your ass.

Now go pound sand. I'm ungovernable ;)

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