What will that #bolshevik Newsom think of next?

Human Remains Red Wine?
Decomposition Daiquiris?

Okay the bonehead governor just signed into law the
#composting of human remains as part of his campaign to reverse climate change, lolz.

We already have chemical
#cremation, where they stuff your carcass into a giant test tube resembling an iron lung for a few hours and then pour you through a strainer.

Look, carry my
#cadaver up the mountain, roll me into a ditch. Let the turkey #vultures, #coyotes, #beetles, and #maggots do the rest.


Easy Peasy, and environmentally sustainable...

And it's fucking free.

Best of all, no bon fires in
#Joshua_Tree like that botched funeral pyre when they stole #Gram_Parson's body from LAX.


That's just fricken'
#goulish - composting... Let's make mud pies out of #dead_people!

Or, hey! Let's make
#Soylent_Green and sell it at the grocery stores and #Burger_King as the real "Impossible Burgers"

