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4 posts total
Johann150 ⁂ :ipv6: :open_access: ☮

just found this silly bit in my nginx config :3

location /wp-login.php {
    return 301 "";

Johann150 ⁂ :ipv6: :open_access: ☮

so if ":3c" is a cat with a paw, then what's "w3c"... 🤔

Johann150 ⁂ :ipv6: :open_access: ☮

The problem with open source is that people might actually use your software. That's the number one problem for software: users

Johann150 ⁂ :ipv6: :open_access: ☮

installing npm on debian...

hello debian packagers for npm what the hell is your problem. why do you have to repackage all of npm's dependencies as deb's, i had to install what feels like a thousand packages prefixed with "node-"

Moved to As I understand it, Debian policy is that everything installed from Debian repositories has to have only dependencies from Debian repositories, so that only combinations of versions that have passed Debian's stability testing get installed. And only deb packages can live in the Debian repositories.

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