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481 posts total

What the news won't tell you:

Bibi Netanyahu can only remain in power in Israel as long as he keeps a war burning hot. Hamas in the West Bank is a broken target, so he's turned to a regular substitute—Iran.

Iran is safe for Bibi to attack because there is zero risk of a land war: Syria/Jordan and then Iraq or the Gulf lie between Iran and Israel. It's not next door. So all they can do is lob missiles.

Hezbollah in Lebanon is an Iranian ally, so …


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Alexander Goeres
@Charlie Stross well, they would if there had been artillery shelling from dublin into belfast ...
Michael B

What to expect when a post begins with "what the news don't tell you" :
Either a truism or a conspiracy theory. Or a mixture of both.

Secular Christmas Robot

@cstross this is a great summary of the current political situation!
However, it's situated against a situation with 80 years of bitter history. He couldn't do these things if it wasn't for that history.


To be honest, not a big fan of Mylene’s music in general (except a few songs), but that show was DOPE


Today I have been introduced to the concept that the most painful explanation is most likely to be correct and this is Occam’s Taser.

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steeph 🎆 ٩(˘◡˘)۶

@NanoRaptor Ouch! (This is the most painful explanation of Occam's Taser I've ever read. And the only one, too.)


This jewelry designer has not spent as much time on the internet as I have

Photo by Tali Herzka on September 29, 2024. May be an image of ring and text that says '23 hoursago hours ago audryrosejewelry Sponsored ARoga 14.A Shop now Frees shipping 94 Followed by royalty_now_ royalty_ and 269K others audryrosejewelry Two Toned Buckle Ring Unique yet timeless fine jewelry. more callmebyyourcarl Suggestedfo you Follow The email I'mtrvinato_find I'm'.

To everyone seeing that post, where are you living right now? I'm curious, Mastodon / Fediverse being different with a different userbase the results could be interesting 🌍🌎🌏

Anonymous poll


Africa or Oceania
600 people voted.
Voting ended 28 Sep 2024 at 12:06.
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Lizzie aka "feckless Democrat"

@Dreamie this is the post I was always told was bs info gathering. So, I live in the world of my own making....

Tess:Rabbit-eared troublemaker

@Dreamie I really hope theres a very disappointed astronaut with a fedi account seeing this.


Ok, I think I have the _essentials_, lol

Tamarind concentrate, two soy sauces, fish and oyster sauce, and the newcomer: chili paste (more of a jam, really)

okay, i love this: Cursed knowledge page

Cursed knowledge we have learned as a result of building Immich that we wish we never knew.

Welcome to release v1.115.0 of Immich. This release focuses on cleaning up our backlog of issues. It is also worth noting that the Cursed knowledge page has been updated with even more cursed knowledge. Please find some of the release highlights below:
immich website:
Cursed Knowledge

Cursed knowledge we have learned as a result of building Immich that we wish we never knew.

Hidden files in Windows are cursed
Hidden files in Windows cannot be opened with the "w" flag. That, combined with SMB option "hide dot files" leads to a lot of confusion.

Carriage returns in bash scripts are cursed
Git can be configured to automatically convert LF to CRLF on checkout and CRLF breaks bash scripts.

Fetch inside Cloudflare Workers is cursed
Fetch requests in Cloudflare Workers use http by default, even if you explicitly specify https, which can often cause redirect loops.

GPS sharing on mobile is cursed
Some phones will silently strip GPS data from images when apps without location permission try to access them.

@sk “Carriage returns in bash scripts are cursed”



The temptation to edit a Wikipedia page to make it correct, but would require nested parentheses, the other editors might think I just pasted in a page of lisp code.


Iain Banks perfectly explained #GenerativeAI twenty years ago.

Everyone should read this passage.

Quotes from "The Algebraist"

"l am not alive. | am able to give the appearance of life without being alive. It's not especially difficult."

"How do you do this?™

"I am the sum of all my memories, plus the application of certain rules from a substantial command-set. | am blessed with the ability to process extremely quickly, so | am able to listen to what you are saying and then respond in a way that makes sense to you, answering your questions, following your meaning, anticipating your thoughts. However, all this is simply the result of programs sifting through earlier examples of conversations and exchanges which | have stored within my memories and selecting those which seem most appropriate as templates.

This process sounds mysterious but is merely complicated. It begins with something as simple as you saying "Hello" and me replying "Hello", or choosing something similar according to whatever else | might know about you, and extends to a reply as involved as, well, this one."
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Rachel Rawlings

@beyondmachines1 If only modern generative AI were as Eliza-like and didn't require the energy to air condition a small town in order to put a third breast in a celebrity photo.

ROTOPE~1 :yell:

@beyondmachines1 whoa, hey, don't go spilling all of my "how to appear normal" secrets


To comply with EU regulations on allowing 3rd party stores, Apple announces .DS_Store for Windows and Android! :anidab_right:

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@catsalad oh my god that file has been in my R4 for a literal decade and I just found out what it is

Only a :verify_anime: fl👀f. Ahh, ... if that is a #EU thing the .localized as add-on makes sense.


#sysadmin pro tip!

If you generate a lot of fresh Let's Encrypt certificates today, and don't enable auto-renewal, they will expire on December 25th, giving you a good excuse to leave your family dinner early.

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I have it croned out, though. So, I don't really know when they expire.

Tisha Tiger

@mike I can't decide if that's evil or genius!

Let's say "both"! 😂


@mike And then have to explain to my family why I don't have monitoring that catches such things?

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