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7 posts total
hazelnot :yell:

Developers: "please support xdg-decorations in Gnome, we literally need it to be able to display a title bar in windowed mode for games that use SDL, and it's literally part of the Wayland spec, so you're breaking compatibility"

Gnome people: "lmao no, "fix" SDL or draw your own title bar, your game isn't using GTK so we literally don't care"

I really hate this shit and I wish there was a Linux DE other than heavily customized Gnome that I don't hate UI-wise πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ

hazelnot :yell:

The auteur/product mentality these people have is so fucking toxic but everything else just looks old to me and I have so many more problems with their UIs despite being better from literally every other point of view πŸ₯²

hazelnot :yell:

They turned the GIMP brush into a real thing what are they gonna think of next

hazelnot :yell:

Sometimes I feel that some of the interfaces that I find extremely cool were specifically designed so that other designers would find them extremely cool while most people will never even register why designers find them extremely cool

I'm not sure whether that's a criticism or anything, just something that's occured to me while I was playing with some interactive letters on a nice website I ran accross

hazelnot :yell:

Lmao someone with a Russian flag in their handle and slurs in their toots liked one of my posts and I would just like to say that if you use slurs or support the imperialist invasion being conducted by Russia you should fuck right off and never interact with any of my posts

hazelnot :yell:

I just got back home and today I accomplished Fucking Nothingβ„’ πŸ₯²

hazelnot :yell:

Did I mention I fucking love this game

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Truer words have never been spoken.
I'm not a "pure" commie, more of an ancom, but yeah. We leftists fucking hate each other at times, over the most minor disagreements.

hazelnot :yell:

So, the usually leftist or leftist-adjacent /r/gamingcirclejerk is now siding with Rockstar over the remaster bullshit just to be contrarian and "modding is insignificant bullshit lmao"

But it's not, it's a fucking expression of creativity and freedom in a capitalist hellworld and modders are very much potential comrades, if only the right people would play their cards right

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@hazelnot what. Really. Lefitsts siding with a large corporation doing very deliberate and obvious anti-consumer bullshit? I would question their alignment then.

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