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hazelnot :yell:

So, the usually leftist or leftist-adjacent /r/gamingcirclejerk is now siding with Rockstar over the remaster bullshit just to be contrarian and "modding is insignificant bullshit lmao"

But it's not, it's a fucking expression of creativity and freedom in a capitalist hellworld and modders are very much potential comrades, if only the right people would play their cards right

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@hazelnot what. Really. Lefitsts siding with a large corporation doing very deliberate and obvious anti-consumer bullshit? I would question their alignment then.

hazelnot :yell:

@drq It's not like an explicitly leftist sub, it's just that I've heard lots of good and left-wing or adjacent takes on video game controversies and whatnot there

I'm kinda starting to believe that most internet "leftists" are literally only doing it to be contrarian. They don't give a shit about what's really wrong with capitalism, they just love to hate it cause it's the current economic system 😬

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