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Free Software Foundation

Every journey begins with that first step. The FSF Licensing and Compliance Lab can help users along that path, while also clearing the way ahead. Read our licensing roundup, and support paving a way for free software

Free Software Foundation

A testimonial from a new FSF member: "The world, especially in its current state needs advocacy of the Free Software principles more than ever. I joined to help advocate that cause." Support #FreeSoftware

Free Software Foundation

The Free Software Awards winners were announced during this year's #LibrePlanet. Protesilaos Stavrou was this year's winner of the Award for Outstanding New Free Software Contributor. Read the full announcement at

Free Software Foundation

#free #frei #libre #自由 #じゆう Are you bilingual and would you like to see the FSFs free software resources in more languages? Email and join the translations team. It's the most effective way to bring free software to the world.

Free Software Foundation

Why GPL? "Using the GNU GPL will require that all the released improved versions be free software. This means you can avoid the risk of having to compete with a proprietary modified version of your own work." More at

Free Software Foundation

The Freedom Ladder campaign aims to support those on a gradual journey to freedom and never resting until all their devices are freed. Share your story today and read others' stories via

Free Software Foundation

Our "Respects Your Freedom" (RYF) certification program helps you find hardware that doesn't violate your right to control the devices you own. Learn more, and shop while supporting companies that support your freedom: #RYF

Free Software Foundation

Did you hear the word? LibrePlanet 2022 videos have been published! Everything from command line graphic design to brain hacking. Read about their publication and check out the videos on #PeerTube.

Islamic Audiobooks Central

@fsf The presentation on proprietary JavaScript was eye opening. Blocking nonfree code is one way to go but frankly impractical for most people although I'm OK with NoScript, etc. However, there's another approach that can complement that.
What if there were professionally designed JavaScript-free website templates (or with freely licenced code only) that people could easily use? Maybe a directory of such resources could be helpful or better still a way to contribute in one place?

Free Software Foundation

From the preamble of the GNU GPL: "To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have certain responsibilities [...]"

Free Software Foundation

We love freedom 1, the freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish. Boost this post to share this freedom! Plus watch our latest video about free software:

Free Software Foundation

The Freedom Ladder campaign aims to support those on a gradual journey to freedom and never resting until all their devices are freed. Share your story today and read others' stories via

Free Software Foundation

Le Free Software Supporter est disponible en français. Pour voir la version française cliquez ici:

Free Software Foundation

Birthday, graduation, or other celebration coming up? Give the techies in your life the gift of freedom. Gift an FSF membership! Learn more: #fsf #softwarefreedom #HappyHacking

Free Software Foundation

Assigning your copyright to the Free Software Foundation helps defend the GPL and keep software free. Thanks to Qifan Wang, Andrei Tropin, and Niklas Eklund for assigning their copyright to the FSF! #GNU #Emacs Learn more at #CopyrightAssignments

Free Software Foundation

We love freedom 1, the freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish. Boost this post to share this freedom!

Free Software Foundation

The August Free Software Supporter is here! In this month's issue: EFF makes its statement on "Digital Services Act package," a new LibreJS release, FSF frees more of its BIOSes, nineteen new GNU packages, a big thank you, and more! Read it all at:

Free Software Foundation

Fighting for freedom isn’t gratis, and we depend on the generosity of donors like the Mark Harris, Brad Flaugher, František Kučera, and Adarsh Melethil to fuel the FSF. #ThankGNU! Check out for a full list of 2022 donors.

Free Software Foundation

A testimonial from a new FSF member: "The world, especially in its current state needs advocacy of the Free Software principles more than ever. I joined to help advocate that cause." Support #FreeSoftware

Free Software Foundation

Every journey begins with that first step. The FSF Licensing and Compliance Lab can help users along that path, while also clearing the way ahead. Read our licensing roundup, and support paving a way for free software

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