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2,032 posts total
Free Software Foundation

Is the grass really greener on the other side of Twitter? Well, since platforms like Mastodon and GNU social do not require users to download and run nonfree JavaScript, the answer is clearly "yes!" Read more on our thoughts: #joinmastodon

Robert W. Gehl

@fsf Cries of freedom everywhere, but not of justice

Free Software Foundation

Is your school forcing you to use Zoom, Skype, or other proprietary videoconferencing software to learn or teach? Freedom is important to education. Read about freedom-respecting choices at

Free Software Foundation

Savannah is looking for #hackers! Help is needed for project submission evaluations, working on and improving the Web UI, documentation, and more! Read how *you* can become a Savannah Hacker and become a part of this important part of #softwarefreedom at

Free Software Foundation

We love the four freedoms, and we want others to be able to enjoy them as well. Please boost and share this message, and, for those hearing about the four freedoms for the first time, check out latest video about free software: #freesoftware

Free Software Foundation

Free Software Awards: Nominate those who have charted a course to freedom by November 30 #FreeSoftwareAwards #LibrePlanet2023 #LibrePlanet **Now accepting nominations:**

Free Software Foundation

Today is #TalkLikeAPirateDay. "Yarr!" from the FSF, and please remember that sharing copies of software or media with others is not the same as attacking ships on the high seas, etc. See for more info.


@fsf if you research classic pirates back in the day, they were in many ways more progressive than "legitimate" ships at the time. Pirates in their golden age were democratic, your rank decided entirely by merit, no one was above punishment for breaking the (decided by consensus) rules, not even the captain, rarely discriminated on race or gender, and the loot was divided roughly equally.


@fsf I also want to say that while I agree with the philosophy of not using trademarks like "PowerPoint" to talk about the broader concept, if enough people use a trademark in this way, they can lose the trademark. Which would be delicious to see happen.

Vitor Hugo
@fsf Posting a picture of a child next to a TOR/Onion sticker is not the smartest idea one could have.
Alif Radhitya

@fsf Do the headphone only use free software components?

Free Software Foundation

Shoutout to @thedextriarchy of The Verge for reporting on Pearson's intention to find new ways to "squeeze even more money out of students" with #DigitalRestrictionsManagement Let's @endDRM by boycotting such schemes! Read more at:


@fsf @endDRM this is why I have no moral qualms with torrenting and piracy in general. You (publishers and media companies) get this greedy, then you deserve nothing.

Anyone who thinks buying from these giant publishers is supporting the author or their research is either naïve or maliciously misinformed. The author sees less than pennies on the dollar from publisher sales.

Free Software Foundation

When is a program and its plug-ins considered a single combined program? "It depends on how the main program invokes its plug-ins. [...] Read the full answer: #GNUGPLFAQ

Free Software Foundation

"Escape to Freedom" is now available in Spanish and Mandarin Chinese! Read the announcement and watch, download, and share the videos: (And big thanks to our volunteer translation team!) #EscapetoFreedom

Free Software Foundation

#Nitter is an AGPLv3 licensed #Twitter frontend with all the features of the default site -- but more importantly -- it returns all of the freedom that Twitter's nonfree JavaScript takes away from you. Try out one of the instances at

Free Software Foundation

Our "Respects Your Freedom" (RYF) certification program helps you find hardware that doesn't violate your right to control the devices you own. Learn more, and shop while supporting companies that support your freedom: #RYF

Free Software Foundation

The Freedom Ladder campaign aims to support those on a gradual journey to freedom and never resting until all their devices are freed. Share your story today and read others' stories via

Free Software Foundation

FAQ: (NOT LEGAL ADVICE) "You can legally use the GPL terms (possibly modified) in another license provided that you call your license by another name and do not include the GPL preamble[...]" Read full answer at #GNUGPLFAQ

Free Software Foundation

What does every computer need? Stickers! Treat your computer well while showing your support with these sticker packs in the #GNUPress shop:

Free Software Foundation

Flashback to this blog post from former campaigns intern Leonardo Vignini intern which details the history of #DRM: where did Digital Restrictions Management start, how did it get this bad, and what can we do about it?

Free Software Foundation

If you are enjoying the videos from this year's #LibrePlanet and would like to help make these videos accessible to more people, please consider transcribing the video and upload your subtitles. Instructions here:

Free Software Foundation

Save the date: GNU Radio is having their conference in Washington, DC this year, September 26-30, 2022. Check out for more information.

Free Software Foundation

Great to see SecuRepairs' write-up (and picture!) of their FSF Award for Projects of Social Benefit. Congrats again on the award and thanks for your inspirational work -- nominations for this year will open soon!

Free Software Foundation

Birthday, graduation, or other celebration coming up? Give the techies in your life the gift of freedom. Gift an FSF membership! Learn more: #fsf #softwarefreedom #HappyHacking

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