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47 posts total

I've always thought from the beginning of the war that one of the most effective ways to strike at Russia, besides the obvious ones like striking at the revenue streams (oil, gas, minerals), is to open the immigration doors for educated Russians (incl. military desserters) with economically- and military valueable skills, so that they can get a new life in Europe and no longer contribute to Russian society.


@amici that's why me and my friends struggle so much. Sadly even if you tried to fight the system, you have lots of problems with accessing other countries. I don't want to come back, but it is still a problem to find a new home on a planet Earth.

Roman was living in the same neighborhood as me in Tbilisi, Georgia. Many people still stay here in Georgia because of immigration and economical issues.


Wensheng Xie claims: "It is easy to contribute to GNU". Learn why at #LibrePlanet 2024:


ok, it is quite old, I've just missed it a bit


#guix + #plasma6, 加了一堆包到 system profile 里就能启动了,现在的问题是哪些包是需要清理掉的


Made 2nd account for posting stuff on different topics. Current mastodon account I will use for posting mostly Libre software and programming things.

I do this because I have a feeling that my followers might be annoyed by posts in another languages and not-related to IT topics. The instance is called fosstodon, so I guess it is a good idea to post stuff related to FOSS.

I encourage you to follow me here, if you are kinda interested in not only software, but my life:

Andrew Tropin

@w96k Лучше запость так:
чтобы легче было фолловить и ссылка не открывалась в отдельной вкладке.


I wish fedi had "shitpost" mode for posting memes and so on. I think that I might make others uncomfortable when I post non-programming stuff.


Провожу две лекции в Ереванском хакерспейсе (

* Время UNIX: Об истории создания, многочисленных потомках и экспериментах Bell Labs. ( — 5 мая (вс) 18:00

* Decentralised protocols: Matrix, XMPP, ActivityPub (Fediverse) — 9 мая (чт) 20:00 (

**Возможно на 10 минут расскажу про свои эксперименты с синкпадами (

Заглядывайте :0


@dettlaff трансляция планируется?


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