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2 posts total
Sarah Taber

There are 2 things to know about US agriculture.

1. It’s very hard to make a living as a new farmer.

2. About half our farmland is owned by wealthy families, investment funds, & others who buy it up as an asset- but don’t farm themselves.

There IS a fix to both problems!

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I'm sorry this sounds like nonsense to me

eg, do you have any idea how $ a modern haybaler is ?
or that to be financially sound you need several of htem and a crew of , usually, undocumented min wage workers ???

but good luck to you


@sarahtaber So very true. They're only going to make it worse on the average farmer and on the average person. Plus the climate Nazis want to abolish farming and backyard gardening, both of which contribute to making the world a better place, making food more affordable, reducing CO2, as well as keeping people healthier.

Sarah Taber

Are you guys ready for the buck-wildest agriculture story I've ever heard

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wordsmith ⁂

@sarahtaber I am bookmarking this for a rainy day. No other button that Mastodon offers is good enough.


@sarahtaber Oh, crikey, Sarah, that’s a classic. We have something similar in tropical Australia—the ‘Top End’ and Far North Queensland. Not orcas, but estuarine crocodiles: ambush predation of feral pigs and smaller cattle when they are drinking fresh water. Biggish crocs and cows or steers are similar weights, so it’s “advantage croc”.

Douglas King

Cows being buffeted by waves.
Cows becoming buffet by waves

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