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5 posts total
Floppy 💾

I had a look at Fediverse profiles via #kbin and #lemmy. I like how e.g. kbin presents posts and replies with indentation. 👍

(For those new, you can use the kbin/lemmy web interfaces to look at any #Fediverse account.)

Generally, when one post can have replies and replies can have replies, we end up with a tree-structure. Was there any attempt to visualise this on #Mastodon's web interface? I think #Pleroma/#Akkoma does that.

Maybe it's time for me to look for alternative interfaces, finally.

Floppy 💾

What are your preferences for an account on the Fediverse?

👉 All your accounts are on...

If you only use one account, please choose only from the first or last option.

Instead of using an arbitrarily chosen numbers of active users, let's keep the distinction between big and small instances subjective. "How does it feel to you?" Alternatively: Do you think you kinda-sorta know most of the people posting actively and regularly for the last couple of months? Then let's call it a small instance.

Anonymous poll


... only small instances
... one big instance, rest on small instances
... one small instance, rest on big instances
... only big instances
26 people voted.
Voting ended 21 Nov 2022 at 18:40.
Floppy 💾

TIL about

"Challenge someone to a game of chess using toots!"

Floppy 💾

Cactus Comments - Federated Web Comments

"Cactus Comments is a federated comment system for the web, based on the Matrix protocol."

Floppy 💾


#Discourse also implementing #ActivityPub (joining the Fediverse) is great news! Thanks for sharing!

Here is a forum thread with more details on it. The linked post contains links to other related threads.

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Floppy 💾

@abeorch @humanetech

#Owncloud is implementing #ActivityPub too, which is similarly exciting I think.

I didn't expect this some months ago, but if this really is going to spread and many other services not inherently "social" join the Fediverse, then I think very intersting things could happen.

What exactly I don't know yet, still wrapping my head around it. :)

kae, by the ocean

@floppy I'm missing it, where in that link does it say they're doing it? I see a bunch of reasons why they won't in there

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