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6 posts total
IzzyOnDroid ✅

For all those migrating theirMastodon accounts to a different server: If you import bookmarks, make sure they are all a) valid and b) public. If just one of them cannot be reached, the entire import fails.

Just tested for you. After I removed those which were gone (server no longer reachable, 404 etc) and those which were private (to the original account) I finally succeeded importing all remaining bookmarks.

#Mastodon #Account #Migration


@IzzyOnDroid have you saved the settings/configs as well? If yes, you can check if it possible to import them or, depending on the format, manually edit the file.

IzzyOnDroid ✅

#AndroidAppRain 🙌 with 6 updated + 1 new (+) app in my repo & 50 updated + 7 new (*) at @fdroidorg:

* Flask: Purchase items from CSH's vending machines
* Markdown Widget: markdown files as widgets on the home screen
* Mobile Paper Wallet: crypto currency "paper wallet"
* Mysterium VPN: decentralized VPN
* OpenCamera Sensors: sync'd recording of video and IMU data
* VES - Image Compare: easily compare similar images


#AndroidAppRain 🙌 with 6 updated + 1 new (+) app in my repo & 50 updated + 7 new (*) at @fdroidorg:

* Flask: Purchase items from CSH's vending machines
* Markdown Widget: markdown files as widgets on the home screen
* Mobile Paper Wallet: crypto currency "paper wallet"
* Mysterium VPN: decentralized VPN
* OpenCamera Sensors: sync'd recording of video and IMU data
* VES - Image Compare: easily compare similar images

IzzyOnDroid ✅


* a Cantonese Dictionary for Everyone
+ EBT Compass: Compass & GPS App

Wow, :awesome: :awesome: – even had to split! So very much enjoy your #free & #foss #android #apps at, from and with #fdroid – even when split over multiple toots and repos. Or especially then :awesome:

IzzyOnDroid ✅

Time for #AndroidAppRain: yesterday 8 updates, today 4 and 1 new (+) apps in my repo – plus 23 updated and 2 new (*) apps at @fdroidorg:

* Hydra: access to Ghent University wherever you are
* FluffyChat: the Matrix client (not new, but back again)
+ Moxxy: experimental XMPP client

Enjoy your #free & #foss #android #apps at, from and with #fdroid :awesome:

IzzyOnDroid ✅

Jeden Tag eine "gute Tat": Mit #StreetComplete (bei #fdroid erhältlich) könnt Ihr ganz einfach und quasi nebenbei zur Qualität von OpenStreetMap beitragen! So einfach, dass es jeder kann – oft sind nur simple Ja/Nein Fragen zu beantworten: "Hat die Parkbank hier eine Lehne?" / "Gibt es an dieser Ampel akustische Signale für Sehbehinderte?" / "Ist es hier beleuchtet?"


#osm #android #app #apps


@IzzyOnDroid ich würde auch gerne dazu beitragen, habe aber ein iPhone. Gibt es auch was für die Apfelnutzerinnen?

IzzyOnDroid ✅

We all know that #Google is behind Android, and runs the biggest app store for it. So they surely know their business, right? Ahem, really? Sure?

Catima is a purely offline working app. It does not even request ANY network permissions. So what do you guess Google needs to review the app whether it meets their developer guidelines?

(source if you want to check:

IzzyOnDroid ✅

🇺🇸 New milestone: my F-Droid compatible repo now serves 750 #Android #apps :awesome: 🥳 Number 750 is a special candidate, too: HideDroid promises to anonymize network traffic from analytics modules. I haven't tried it – but if there's a geek out there to validate that claim, please let us know!

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