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IzzyOnDroid ✅

#AndroidAppRain 🙌 with 6 updated + 1 new (+) app in my repo & 50 updated + 7 new (*) at @fdroidorg:

* Flask: Purchase items from CSH's vending machines
* Markdown Widget: markdown files as widgets on the home screen
* Mobile Paper Wallet: crypto currency "paper wallet"
* Mysterium VPN: decentralized VPN
* OpenCamera Sensors: sync'd recording of video and IMU data
* VES - Image Compare: easily compare similar images


1 comment
IzzyOnDroid ✅


* a Cantonese Dictionary for Everyone
+ EBT Compass: Compass & GPS App

Wow, :awesome: :awesome: – even had to split! So very much enjoy your #free & #foss #android #apps at, from and with #fdroid – even when split over multiple toots and repos. Or especially then :awesome:

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